SNK Search and Rescues PSN

SNK PLAYMORE is proud to announce the North & South American release of new nostalgic SNK Arcade Classics "SAR – SEARCH AND RESCUE" as a PlayStation minis title on PSP (also compatible with PS3), via the "New Releases" category and the "SNK NEOGEO" Featured Publishers page available on the PlayStationStore, from Tuesday, March 20th, 2012.

The SNK minis titles are a commemorative "retro-arcade emulation" project that allows players to enjoy a grand collection of action, shooting, platform, and action/puzzle titles. Many of these nostalgic, highly innovative arcade classics released during SNK's Golden Age of action-shooting, etc. during the 80's, are now exclusively available on PSP and compatible on the PlayStation3 as well for even greater enjoyment!

The previous sets of titles included some of SNK's arcade masterpieces such as "ATHENA", "GUERRILLA WAR", "IKARI WARRIORS", "P.O.W. – PRISONERS OF WAR", "T.N.K. III", "PREHISTORIC ISLE," and "VICTORY ROAD" along with a number of lesser known, yet revolutionary titles to  be enjoyed by both retro gamers and younger generations of players alike.


The government sends down an investigation team to a crashed spaceship that had vanished off its course, in order to determine what actually happened… Infiltrate the spaceship, and battle hordes of alien monsters and robots, in this action-shooting masterpiece of SNK originally released in 1989.

SAR-SEARCH AND RESCUE is available March 20, 2012 for $2.99 (or free for PS Plus subscribers).

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