Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) launches Travelers, the eighth Legends of Norrath release. Travelers introduces all-new challenges for players, complete with new characters and storylines that send players to the Planes themselves.
Threats from the Void continue to surface. Walk the Planes in Travelers and stop the Voidmen from cutting the people of Norrath off from their Gods!
Travelers Features:
- New Cards: Exciting new game cards add fresh strategies and game play.
- New Starter: An all-new 200 card starter can be used to create four different starter decks, one for each of the four new avatars.
- New Loot: Incredible loot cards, including exclusive new encounters in EverQuest� and EverQuest� II that open all-new chambers and rewards of loot and XP. In EQII, players can combine several key cloaks to create the game�s first wearable, a visible backpack. In EQ, three new collection items will grant players the Frozen Skull of the Cursed which equates to a unique mercenary.
Travelers is available now.
For more information on Travelers, log on to
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