Sony plans PS3 price cut.

It was a difficult and perhaps even an embarrassing launch for the PS3 this just past holiday season. Not enough units to go around, the 600 dollar price tag that had large numbers of potential consumers even before the console was released, and to top it off the outbreaks of violence and criminality that occurred as new PS3 owners were beaten up, robbed, or occasionally fired upon. Even the post release did not go as well as some of those who had forked out the money for the PS3 turned around and began handing them back in for the cheaper priced Nintendo Wii. Perhaps that is why Takao Yuhara, Senior Vice President for Sony Japan, informed a reporter from the Associated Press that the hinted at price cut of the Sony PS3 may happen in a shorter frame of time then anyone currently anticipated. According to the AP report Yuhara was quoted as saying that “"We may look at the price as part of our strategy to expand the market when the timing is right." A vague statement, but it may prove a way to bring back those people who opted for Sony's two current competitors Nintendo and Microsoft. For more information take a look at this report here MyGamer will have more information on this and other news from the gaming world as it finds it's way to us.

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