Sony’s New Holiday PSP Bundle Announced

As Sony continues to stride further in pushing their portable device, the PSP, they have announced yet another new bundle that will be made available Sept. 13th.  The bundle comes as a cheaper option to last year's Giga Pack.  It will include the portable game console, 1 movie, 1 game and a 1 Gig memory stick.  The "bargain" should retail at $249.99, which Sony commented as saying separately all of these components would cost above $300.  The game that accompanies the package will be [i]ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails[/i] and the UMD movie will be "Lords of Dogtown", by Sony Pictures.  

SCEA's Senior Vice President of Marketing had this to say, "The PSP system's success stems from its ability to combine console-quality gaming with multimedia applications, and this new package showcases all of the system's strengths."  He also added, "Whether consumers want to pick up and play one of our top racing franchises, watch a movie, or enjoy their own music, photos, downloadable content and more, the PSP Entertainment Pack delivers it all in one convenient package."

With this newest bundle, Sony could be closing the gap between the PSP and the Nintendo DS.

I guess only time will tell…….

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