Stocks of 20 GB PS3 diminishing.

If you recall the 20GB version of the PS3, which was lowered from 500 dollars to 410 dollars which placed itself in a similar price sphere as the Xbox 360, are not long to be found at Best Buy or even at Sony's online store where only an message telling the shopper that there isn't any to be had at all. Despite this, though, Sony says that the product line has not been discontinued. Satoshi Fukuoka, a representative of SCEI in Tokyo, stated that “"The line-up is decided based on market demand and so it's not surprising that they are not selling it on their Web site but if you go to a retailer you can find it,"

The reason for this? Well, said simply and perhaps surprisingly, those who have shelled out the money for the PS3 have chosen to shell out money for it have decided to go with the 600 dollar version so some stores aren't bothering to offer the lower priced version. Interestling, when the PS3 was released last month in Europe, only the 600 dollar version was released due to the preference among consumers for the more expensive version.

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