Tag: Featured

Necropolis Logo

Necropolis PC Review

Necropolis? More Like Not-Feeling-Well-Village Procedurally generated rogue likes are starting to see a resurgence in recent years, but many…
Das Keyboard Prime13 Board

Das Keyboard Prime 13…

Now With Backlighting The new Das Keyboard Prime 13 model looks, functions, and performs very similarly to previous Das…
HatsuneMIkuAirDo 1 1

Mygamer Visual Cast! Hatsune…

Like anime? Like music or rhythm games like Elite Beat Agents or Theatrhythm Final Fantasy? Then you should probably…
King of Fighters XIV

Mygamer Visual Cast! The…

Watch Gillman power through the main story mode of The King of Fighters XIV.  As he finally topples the…
no mans sky bunnies

Mygamer Visual Cast! No…

Gillman bought No Man’s Sky upon launch as the hype for this game was sky high (sorry, bad pun).…
Livelock KeyArt

LiveLock PC Review

The tone achieved by Arc Game’ LiveLock sold me faster than any other title in recent memory. It feels…

King of Fighters XIV…

King of Fighters has been a mainstay in the fighting scene since it first came out in 1994.  Since…
Gal Gun Double Peace banner

Mygamer Visual Cast –…

What if you took Time Crisis light-gun style gameplay but shot cute anime school girls instead?  This is basically…
Penclip K2

Penclic Mini Keyboard K2…

Tiny But Unreliable The Penclic Mini Keyboard K2 is seeking an opportunity in the highly competitive computer accessory market…
shiren wanderer art 052b8

Mygamer Visual Cast! Shiren…

A couple weeks ago, Gillman and Zack sat down to play some of the new Shrien game.  Besides having…
crystal pepsi

Gamer’s Gullet – Crystal…

Chemicals And Sugar Back in the early 90’s, Pepsi released Crystal Pepsi, a clear alternative to their popular caramel…
Ben Hur banner

Mygamer Visual Cast Awesome…

Ben-Hur is a free to play digital download available on Xbox One. An obvious tie-in to the upcoming movie…
marvel ultimate alliance bundle ps4

Marvel Ultimate Alliance Bundle…

A Lazy Port – No Remastering The Marvel Ultimate Alliance Bundle came out of nowhere. With no previous news…
Mutant Mudds Super Challenge Banner

Mutant Mudds Super Challenge…

Mutant Mudds Super Challenge is hard. Damn hard. Levels are expertly crafted to infuriate both the hardcore and casual…
Chime Sharp Banner

Chime Sharp PC Review

Tetris is quite possibly the most well-known game of all time, it’s been copied and ported to every system…
Dungeon PUnks Banner

Dungeon Punks: Tag Team…

Taking Out A Life Insurance Policy – Outside of Castle Crashers and the upcoming sequel to River City Ransom,…
Fated LittleGirlBlue 1

FATED: The Silent Oath…

From Frima Studios,  FATED: The Silent Oath promises a look at the future of storytelling games.  Previous titles in…

Mygamer Visual Cast Awesome…

Ah yes, the twin stick shooter. A genre that we really do not get enough of. Zack talks about…

Mygamer Visual Cast Awesome…

Last week, Zack and Gillman played through some of the Jak and Daxter Collection. During the stream that compare…
Ghostbusters banner

Ghostbusters 2016 Xbox One…

Who You Gonna Call? Anyone Else! Activision is continuing their recent stint of releasing subpar licensed material with Ghostbusters…
On Rusty Trails

On Rusty Trails PC…

Pyramid Power! Puzzle platformers have been redone numerous time, many with different styles and approaches, and On Rusty Trails…
Dex Enchaned Banner

Dex: Enhanced Edition Xbox…

Adventroidvania – Mixing the questing of adventure games with a 2D sidescrolling environment of a Metroidvania, Dex is a…
ADR1FT Featured Image

ADR1FT PS4 Review

I’m unsure if developer Three Zero One sought to further develop the first-person experience genre or just take a…
Assault Suit Leynos PS4 1

Assault Suit Leynos PS4…

Dracue Software’s Assault Suit Leynos brings old-school-arcade-style mech combat to the PS4 though in a particularly underwhelming package. This…
furi banner

Mygamer Visual Cast Awesome…

This could possibly be our shortest stream in the history of myGamer streams but this week Gillman and Zack…
7 Days to Die banner

7 Days To Die…

Kill It. Kill It With Fire! – 7 Days To Die sounds awesome on paper – take the hunting/gathering/crafting…

Mygamer Visual Cast Awesome…

About a year ago, Gillman and Zack streamed Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure when it was first released on PC. …
Kirby Planet Robobot illu

Kirby: Planet Robobot 3DS…

Mechs Make It Better – Although it might look and play similarly to Triple Deluxe, Kirby: Planet Robobot has…
Aurion Legacy of the Kori Odan release date

Aurion: Legacy of the…

Yes they Afri-can While it seems so far back in time, even America had its first set of video…
Robot Arena III banner

Robot Arena III (PC)…

Battle robots had a solid place in tv when I was growing up. BattleBots in the US, Robot Wars…
HyperX Cloud X

HyperX CloudX Official Xbox…

It’s Official – Like the HyperX Cloud II and the HyperX Cloud Revolver before it, the Hyper X CloudX,…
Yoshi Woolly WOrld 1

Mygamer Visual Cast Awesome…

Even though we reviewed Yoshi’s Woolly World on Wii U many months ago, we decided to play it since…
Educational Pack of KidsGames Banner

Educational Pack of Kids…

Making You Dumber – Several weeks ago, Skunk Software released Now I Know My ABCs on the Wii U…
Blackjack21 Main

Blackjack 21 Wii U…

Bust – Looking at Skunk Software’s Wii U eShop history, it was only a matter of time before they…
E3 2016 Logo

E3 2016 News Summary…

Everything You Need To Know In One Place – E3 is referred to as the busiest week in gaming…
BDA Nintendo Plush All

Retro Collectables – These…

Nintendo’s Beanie Babies – Towards the end of 1996, Nintendo released the N64 console in America. At launch, and…
Winter Jotun Boss Battle

Jotun PC Review

Norse mythology has always had the elements and stories that seem to be perfect for making a good video…
Odin Sphere Lie Banner

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir (PS4)…

Vanillaware is, by far, one of the most respected studios on the planet.  With the 2D masterpieces of Muramasa…

Goliath PC Review

Goliath is a survival game, not dissimilar to Don’t Starve in it’s hunting and gathering focus and top-down presentation,…
TMNT Mutants In Manattan abnner

TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan…

Shell Shock – During the late 80s and even early 90s, there was no escaping the popularity of the…