Tag: Qubic Games

Wreckin Ball Advent

Wreckin’ Ball Adventure out…

Wreckin’ Ball Adventure a 2.5D platformer with physics-based puzzles is rolling it way out on Steam and thanks to…
Pirates All Aboard switch

Pirates: All Aboard! Switch…

The Poop Deck Despite releasing a couple half-way decent games on 3DS (AiRace Speed and AiRace Xeno), Qubic Games…
Brawl switch

BRAWL Switch Review

Bomberman Act Zero 2? BRAWL takes the standard Bomberman formula and tries to freshen things up by adding a…
Astro Bears Party banner

Astro Bears Party Switch…

Insert “Unbearable” Joke Here Astro Bears Party offers about five minutes of fun if you can huddle four people…

Geki Yaba Runner Deluxe…

Running Gnomes Originally released as 2-Fast-4-Gnomz, Geki Yaba Runner Deluxe is basically a port of a port. First released…
AirRaceSpeed banner

AirRaceSpeed Coming to Vita

Qubic Games will be releasing the port of AirRaceSpeed on PS Vita on December 20th.  Originally released on the…