Tag: Review

Deadly Tower of Monsters banner

The Deadly Tower of…

You don’t see many games take B-movies full on. Fallout’s Mr. Handys, giant ants, and Brainbots and Wolfenstein’s Nazis-in-space…
Banner Saga Banner1

The Banner Saga Xbox…

A New Twist On Tactical RPGs – Ported from its PC origins, The Banner Saga on Xbox One is…
LoZ Tri Force Heroes Banner

Legend of Zelda: Tri…

Dangerous To Go Alone – Using the Link Between World’s engine and with a nod to Four Sword Adventures,…
OceanRunner banner

Ocean Runner 3DS eShop…

Teyon’s Ocean Runner is a top-down, endless runner featuring some of the laziest storytelling and design choices I’ve had…

Gamer’s Gullet – Burger…

Does Chicken Belong in Fry Format? – Breasts. Fingers. Strips. Tenders. Nuggets. Rings. Dinosaur. Buffalo. BBQ. Fried. Grilled. Chicken…
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Kirby and the Rainbow…

The Wii U Gamepad is the Canvas – As a sequel to Kirby Canvas Curse, a launch title for…

Petit Novel Series –…

The Venn diagram of people who are willing to read novels, play video games, and enjoy things that are…
Miko Mole Banner

Miko Mole (PS4) Review

I’m not too sure of where to begin with Miko Mole. It’s a 2.5D puzzler that’s all too reminiscent…
Dark Witch 2 title

Legend of Dark Witch…

The Other Witcher – Over a year ago, Circle Entertainment’s original Legend of Dark Witch was an eShop sleeper…
Kung Fu Panda Showdown of Leg Leg Banner

Kung Fu Panda: Showdown…

Getting Smashed Up – Like most licensed movie titles, Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends is used as…
X1 Chatpad Controller

Xbox One Chatpad Review

A Necessity – Taking a note from the well-designed Xbox 360 Chatpad, Microsoft is giving Xbox One gamers an…
Dungeon of the Endless Organic Matters Keyart

Dungeon of the Endless:…

Dungeon of the Endless was one of my favorite games of 2014. Its Rogue-lite elements allowed players to create…
Tales from teh borderlands

Tales from the Borderlands…

Telltale-riffic – The point and click adventure from Borderlands you never knew you wanted. Watch a stream of this…
Star Wars Cereal Box Front

Gamer’s Gullet – Star…

Food For Younglings – Like the rest of planet Earth, I am excited about Star Wars Episode 7. The…
Games of Thrones2

Game of Thrones: A…

Telltale Game’s six-episode, interactive drama Game of Thrones thrusts players into George RR Martin’s wintery epic as portrayed by…
Poncho banner

Poncho Review

Poncho is an attractive, retro-inspired puzzle-platformer by Rising Star Games that overturns its genre with a mildly clever twist.…
Transformers Devastation banner

TRANSFORMERS: Devastation (Xbox One)…

Devastatingly Platinum – Taking the developmental reigns from High Moon Studios, Platinum Games – best known for Bayonetta and…
Ninja Strike LogoBlack

Ninja Strike: Dangerous Dash…

Endlessly Running From Mobile to eShop – Originally released in a mobile environment, Natsume has ported their endless runner…
Legend of Legacy banner

The Legend of Legacy…

Philosophers’ Legacy – With a legendary development team at the helm (Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy XIII, Chrono Cross), there…
Albino Lullaby banner

Albino Lullaby (PC) Review

One Thumb Monster Down – This new horror experience tries a new way but doesn’t go far enough. Albino…
Doodgle God

Doodle God (PC) Review

An Alleged Puzzler Willing to Charge While Barely Feeling Like a Game Doodle God isn’t fun. It isn’t clever,…

Lumini (PC) Review

So Relaxing You’ll Fall Asleep A new flow adventure game that lets you control flying fish in a cave…
Persona Dancing banner

Persona 4: Dancing All…

I remember when Persona 4 came out and Atlus told us that there wasn’t going to be any spin-offs…

Velocity 2X PC Review

Metroid-Galaga? – The odd combo of shoot em up and platformer that’s trying something new. New to the Steam…
Leos Foruntune banne

Leo’s Fortune Xbox One…

A Russian Puffball Wants His Gold Back – Originally released and developed for mobile platforms, Leo’s Fortune has made…
seagate game drive

Seagate 2TB External Game…

More To Store – Everyone knows the included 500GB hard drive simply isn’t enough storage space on Xbox One…
Abyss Odyssey Ex Dream banner

Abyss Odyssey: Extended Dream…

In summer 2014, Chilean developer ACE Team first released Abyss Odyssey for PS3, Xbox 360, and PC to mixed…
Doritos Jacked 3D Bag

Gamer’s Gullet – Doritos…

F**king Your Mouth With Flavor – Doritos Jacked 3D Bacon Cheddar Ranch is like the badass renegade you see…
QUBE Director Cut banner

Q.U.B.E. Director’s Cut Xbox…

The First Person Puzzler – Obviously inspired by Portal, Q.U.B.E. Director’s Cut is a first person shooter without the…
Mana 2

Lost Dimension: Review (PS3/Vita)

Take one part Phantom Brave, one part Danganronpa, and some almost future/psychic setting and you would get something akin…
Guncraft Banner

Guncraft (Xbox 360) Review

Despite the title’s implication, Exato Games’ Guncraft is much more than a Minecraft clone with guns. It’s an ambitious…
Taco Bell Capn Crunch Delight banner

Gamer’s Gullet – Taco…

Balls in Your Mouf – Over a year ago, we covered Taco Bell’s new breakfast menu. Unfortunately, we did…
amiibo tap banner

amiibo Tap Nintendo’s Greatest…

Best Use of amiibo To Date – Released on April 30, 2015, amiibo Tap Nintendo’s Greatest Bits is a…
Toren banner

Toren PC Review

Surreally Weird The baby cousin of Skyrim and Devil May Cry 3. From the country of Brazil, we have…
Primal Carnage

Primal Carnage: Extinction PC…

Someone made a first person shooter that is simply just humans vs dinosaurs. Sadly, Primal Carnage forgot to check…
IMG 0982

Gamer’s Gullet – Blue…

Blue Sugar – Like all other Pop-Tarts, including the special 50th Anniversary version, this new Blue Raspberry “breakfast” item…
son of nor

Son of Nor PC…

Ton of Snore The video game jack of all trades, but master of none. In this new third person…
V Mode M100

V-Moda M-100 Headset Review

Compact Design. High Price. Lacking Features. – The headset market has never been more crowded and v-moda wants its…
Captain Toad Treasure Banner

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker…

Your Toad Is In This Castle – It only took about 25 years but Toad finally stars in his…
High Strangnessbanner

High Strangeness Review

For better or worse High Strangeness wears all of its inspirations on the sleeve of its mid-90s rocker inspired…