Target Terror

Originally an arcade game created by legendary designer Eugene Jarvis (Defender, Robotron: 2084, and Cruis’n series), Target: Terror puts you in the place of an elite anti-terrorist agent who is charged with protecting the U.S. from all terrorist activities. With a full scale assault spanning the entire U.S., this is your chance to show terrorists who is in charge. Eliminate the seemingly endless waves of enemies with an assortment of high-tech weapons you have in your arsenal.

Utilizing the motion sensing controls of the Wii Remote™, there is a seamless transition of the arcade’s light gun to the Wii™. The arcade experience is enhanced when used with the Wii Zapper™ peripheral to provide total immersion in the game by replicating both the arcade light-gun as well as the elite, tactical weapons used by that anti-terrorist agent.

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