The Dark Horizon is Clearing

Dark Horizon, an action RPG from Paradox Interactive, will be shipping to retail, and available to download, for its September 23rd release date.  Taking all of the assets of an RPG Dark Horizon allows the player to customize their ships to do battle and taken on missions in new and interesting ways.  One configuration can empower speed while another will be laser focused on attacking and all of the shades between.  With a bevy of parts each ship assembled can be just a little different from the one before and allowing an overall evolving feeling of the ship itself.

While the truly interesting feature of Dark Horizon is the configurable ship, the plot is not something that can be forgotten either.  Focusing around a quest to save the universe the player is forced to make allies with various life forms that are scattered throughout the game.  The wait won’t be long as Dark Horizons will be out next Tuesday.

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