A lot of games deal with committing crimes such as stealing cars, robbing banks and even murder, but this might be the first game where the player's primary crime is being an illegal immigrant. In [i]ICED[/i], five immigrant teens in New York have to escape the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. The game was developed by the New York-based nonprofit group, Breakthrough, to raise awareness of immigration reforms passed in 1996. Attempting to make a political statement, the game tries to make a case that because of the immigration laws and their enforcement, illegal immigrants are pushed into dangerous, and increasingly criminal situations.
''This is virgin territory,'' said Mallika Dutt, the group's executive director. “You can watch a documentary, you can watch a video story, but there's really no other way that you can get into the skin of another person and actually see what it's like.''
If the game is any indication, it's a bleak existance, as there are no happy endings. The only possible outcomes are to be deported, put back into detention or let back on the streets where they start the game over. The game is in the final testing stages and will be available for free download in November.
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