Tom Clancy has not only made a massive impact in the world of literature, but he’s getting to be quite a common – and well respected – name in the world of gaming, as well. From Rainbow 6 to Ghost Recon to Splinter Cell, Clancy and company know how to keep fans of stealth games happy, and Ghost Recon 2 looks to continue that tradition.
Christian Allen has some pretty broad goals. For what, you ask? Well, Mr. Allen happens to be the designer of Ghost Recon 2, and he is aiming to create an entirely new experience for modern-warfare first person shooters. A compelling and involving storyline, intense scenarios, improved AI, and souped-up graphics are just part of what he’s hoping to accomplish with the upcoming game.
In the previous game, players crushed uprisings in the former Soviet Union and also put a stop to incursions in Cuba. Ghost Recon 2 will involve the player in an international crisis that will lead to a massive showdown between foreign powers. A single player campaign in which completing missions will boost attributes is expected, and of course accomplishing your goals will also lead to unlocking secret weapons and characters. Those of you itching to get behind the wheel of some cool army vehicles will definitely have the chance for that this time around, as well. Ghost Recon 2 will also include the recon, firefight, and defend modes that were featured in the original Ghost Recon. Combined with the compelling campaign mode, Ghost Recon 2 seems poised to offer many gamers countless hours of fun and warfare
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