VSDA And IEMA Hire Lobbyist

The IEMA (Interactive Entertainment Merchants Association) and the VSDA (Video Software Dealers Association) have hired Stuart Spencer of the Stanton Park Group, a Washington lobbyist group, to represent them before congress.

The IEMA and VSDA bill themselves as non-profit trade associations that will try to effect legislation that concerns their members, who make up a spectrum of video game retailers in the United States.

“With the variety and gravity of federal legislative and regulatory issues our industry faces, including piracy, scrutiny of entertainment marketing, and calls for censorship of entertainment products, our members cannot afford for VSDA not to be fully
engaged virtually every day in Washington,? said Bo Anderson, president of the VSDA.

Various pieces of legislation that specifically deal with the video game industry are currently before the US Congress. Most dealing with the controversy over violence in video games, including Sen. Hillary Clinton?s controversial Family Entertainment Protection Act that, among other things, would prohibit the sale of violent games to minors on a federal level.

“We are very pleased to have an individual of Stuart’s caliber representing us in Washington,” said IEMA President Hal Halpin. “He brings an impressive breadth of experience, knowledge of the Hill, and understanding of the legislative process to the position.”

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