Agent Fall, published by EastAsiaSoft, is a chibi run-and-gun action game that is straightforward, simple, and low-challenge but can produce a pleasant smile during its brief run time. In other words, this is another game that fits firmly within EastAsiaSoft’s library; a low-cost, short, casual digital download filled with easy Achievements.
To quickly summarize, Agent Fall is basically a more cutesy Contra with some added humor. One button shoots, there are optional limited grenades, there is a simple jump, and weapon power-ups are available but they are barely noticeable due to the limited ammo; the starting machine gun does the trick in all circumstances. For the most part, you run from left to right and shoot all the bad guys that get in your way. However, the stage design will occasionally break into a Horde-mode situation where the screen stops scrolling and enemies charge at both sides of the screen. Alternating between right, then left, then right again shooting isn’t very deep, and isn’t challenging at all when playing co-op, but this attempt at doing something a little different is appreciated.
Visually, the tiny, colorful sprites generate a charming personality, one that matches the slight humor of the plot and dialog. Although set pieces change, from hangers to a gross sewer for example, the gameplay remains the same – keep moving forward and shoot things. The lack of collectables, upgrades, and secrets puts a steep limit on replayability but the 30-minute campaign is enjoyable. In fact, I appreciate the low difficulty factor. Sure, you might die a couple times here and there, but for the most part, the game is a breeze in which I find refreshing when compared to the modern gaming landscape. All 1,000 Achievement points are also unmissable and easy to unlock.
Agent Fall isn’t anything you have not played a million times before but that doesn’t mean it isn’t enjoyable. It is limited, simple, and lacks any and all depth but it knows exactly what it is and doesn’t try to be anything it is not. This is a five-dollar game that is still fun for the brief runtime.
Not As Good As: Iron Meat
Better Than: some of those early 3D Contras
Wait For It: a port of Contra 4 with online co-op
By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief
X/Twitter: @ZackGaz
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Agent Fall is a very simple, straightforward, and casual run-and-gun that lacks depth and replay value but the co-opable campaign is fun while it lasts.
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