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  1. J

    What game got you started?

    Yes I was a huge fan and addict of all Super Mario games as well especially Super Mario three. Zelda was cool to it was just a little slow and unadventurous to me at times. I could never find Zelda in that castle. Eventually, I gave up on it.
  2. J

    Mobile game to play over the holidays?

    Try to see if you can download and install Batman Arkarham Orgins.
  3. J

    Did you ever own a Gameboy Color?

    I mostly played Pokémon Red to. The only game I had for Gameboy Color was Pokemon. That game will forever be classic. I favor those throw back games more then some of the games out today. With the old games you can see were your going more vividly and your surroundings.
  4. J

    Awesome free software mega thread
  5. J

    What are you guys listening to right now?

    Angels & Airwaves "Bullets in the Wind". Its definitely not there best work but it will do until there new album drops in December.
  6. J

    What if?

    Fable. I have a bad memory so I would forget how to do most of my magic spells.
  7. J

    Making Your Own Game

    I only got as far as brainstorming and illustrations. Creating games is tedious and sometimes I feel like giving up on it. My game is in the realms of sim city/elder scrolls and fable but possibility a little better. What game are you creating? As far as free software for your game design try...