Making Your Own Game


New Member
Nov 18, 2014
I just wanted to know if there's anyone here who's ever tried to make their own game. I'm not talking about something big (like Skyrim, Dragon Age, or even something like Halo, or Call of Duty), just something simple. 2D, electronic music, etc.

If you have, I'd like to hear from you - the software you used, why you made the game in the first place, also, if you have a link to your game, that'd be great. If you have made a "bigger" game, then feel free to post here too.

The reason that I'm asking is that I've been thinking (and I do mean thinking, I haven't got very many details yet) about making my own game lately, and I was just wondering if there was anyone else who has done (or is doing) the same thing.
I would like to make my own, but I am just so lazy to learn I don't. I know that is no excuse and game dev wouldn't like comments like that. I can be creative, but I lack creative. I dunno if that makes sense.
I would like to make my own, but I am just so lazy to learn I don't. I know that is no excuse and game dev wouldn't like comments like that. I can be creative, but I lack creative. I dunno if that makes sense.

I'm with you on the laziness factor. I attempted to make something with RPG Maker back in high school. It's very easy to plan and think through things, but once you actually get to the meat of it, you find out how much time it'll actually take, lose motivation, and give up quickly.

I attempted again with a program called Unity, which actually makes it really easy to make iPhone/Android type games. I didn't try a 3D game, but I followed a tutorial for a 2D shooter and was able to create a good looking game pretty quickly.

The thing is, I'm actually a programmer, so I have the hard part down. I have decent programming skills, so now I just need to put them to
I have made a few small 2D games, mostly for my own entertainment. I use Eclipse and code with Java, but unfortunately I do not have any links as I do not make them for release. If you want to learn to code games and not use a game maker type of thing, I recommend learning Java online. If you want to use a maker, I suggest GameMaker for 2D games or Unity for bigger stuff.
I have yet to make a fully functional game, but I really desire too. I have an idea for an epic MMORPG that could possibly be a wow killer. I just need to take time to study video game design, which I don't currently have the time for. I do how ever, have time to plan out my design (quests, mechanics, town/city design ect), and then once I learn how to code, I can put it into practice. I would like to use a maker to save time, but I find makers are kind of limited.
I don't have the skills yet and really haven't got an idea for a unique creative game neither, else I would be working my butt-off to learn how to make video games. But what I do is work on servers in this multiplayer mode I play, it's like making a game, but obviously much easier and with limited options (no, not Roblox xD), it's SA-MP, you can look it up if you want.

As for game-making, I would recommend Unity, you can make pretty impressive stuff with it.
Good luck!
Back in sixth grade I tried to create a game using GameMaker and I even woke up an hour earlier every day to try to complete it. I never ended up finishing it though... :/
Then in 7th grade I created a platformer game using Adobe Flash. Sadly I don't have it anywhere, but it wasn't anything amazing.
I playes around with Unity, UDK, and Stencyl, but at this point my goal is to create my first Android game using Eclipse. It's not going to be easy, but it's definitely worth it.
P.S. To those who have as you say amazing ideas, just a tip. They'll stay ideas forever unless you do something about it, and there's not a feeling worse than seeing a successful game and going like "oh man, I had this idea before. Why didn't I work on it?" So make your game guys! You have all the tools you could ever need!
There's all sorts of games that can be created using Flash. I helped with the development of a browser based adoptable game. Nothing big or fancy but it takes a lot of initiative and willingness to code or hire a coder to do the work. Then there's art, story, mechanics, ect to take into account. Like Beat said, unless you take the time to do it, then an idea will only be an idea. If you want it then go for it. Find people you can work with and make something awesome. Most games were developed by a group of friends or by a person after years of working on it. I'm personally not a coder but I've learned to fiddle around because of my involvement.
It all depends on the complexity of the game. There are many indie games on steam and other platforms I've seen that have great gameplay and soothing designs. VVVVVV comes to mind, as it was all developed by one person, and it's one of my favourite games. If you want to develop a game yourself, I feel like it should be a hobby and not your actual job. You may hit jackpot like the creator of Flappy Bird did, or your franchise may spread like wildfire, like Angry Birds.

I've personally only used flash in minor game development, but it's also really the most widespread type of game development platform. I'm sure a significant portion of your childhoods have been spent on online flash games.
I attempt constantly to make a game with RPGMAker but I admit to getting bored easily with it, confused by the coding, or simply angry that I can't seem to figure out how to switch out the pre-made sprites for my own.
When i was a little kid i dreamed of making games. Now that i am older i am realizing how hard that is. And i am generally just way too lazy to do that stuff. Just takes away too much of my time.
My kiddo wants to make games. She's been working on one since she was little (characters/storyline etc). I do believe that someday she'll make her dreams come true. I'll come back here someday to post about it, so you can all play it. :D
I once made a web-based version of the classic Snake earlier this year actually. It was a pretty fun project to do, and was definitely a learning experience in itself.

I just used pure HTML, CSS & JavaScript to make it. Snake's not an overly complicated game to make, though it does require a little mental effort to make. It was pretty easy to learn those technologies to make the game, and I had fun doing it as well.
I've been toying around with making a dating/action rpg with story, if that counts. I've been using RPGMaker to make it. My boyfriend was extremely helpful of drawing my characters for the profile. Now, if I could JUST get the motivation going again to continue through it with. Also, writing out a plot and ideas for stages help too.
I've been looking at creating games a few times, I'm good with computers and programming, so I thought it wouldn't be to hard. I was wrong, completely wrong. I've you want to create a good game (or even a bad game), you'll need good graphics, some sound effects and music, it's just way more than just coding it, that's why I've never made anything yet. If you're creative and good with art, music AND computers, than you just definitely try it, or you could ask someone to help you with the artistic part.
I remembered recently that I also used to make flash games too. Strangely enough, I remember the coding to make a flash side scrolling adventure was a lot more simplistic than the RPGMaker coding had been with half of it already there to be used.
I remembered recently that I also used to make flash games too. Strangely enough, I remember the coding to make a flash side scrolling adventure was a lot more simplistic than the RPGMaker coding had been with half of it already there to be used.

Too bad you can't go big on flash games than, since you'll never get a good, big game out of that. Though I must say, flash games are really nice to play now and then.
I made a somewhat simple mobile game using GameMaker. I coded it myself, made all the artwork, the sound effects, and such. The only downside with engines like GameMaker and others are that you can create the game for free, but as soon as you want to export it and publish it, you have to pay. Those are the things that drive me nuts. Other "free" programs include GameSalad, Stencyl, Unity, and I think Blender now has a pretty solid game engine if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, there are resources out there, and plenty of YouTube tutorials to help you out. :)
Definitely check out Unity, it scales very well. Meaning that you can start out learning very simple clone game like pac-man or angry birds.. and then use the same engine to create really complex stuff like skyrim. You really have to sit down and learn C# though