Achievements / Trophies


Sep 20, 2015
I honestly couldn't say what started this trend - maybe someone else can enlighten me - but it seems like games are overrun by achievements, trophies, and / or minor aesthetic rewards for completing certain goals. I'm sure anyone who's owned an Xbox has at least noticed their score a few times, if not obsessed over increasing it. What's your take on achievements and trophies? Do you wanna catch 'em all, so to speak, or could you care less?

(For the record, I usually couldn't give less of a toss. Beating a game is usually achievement enough.)
For me I'm not particularly interested in how many trophies I've got, and are merely just an afterthought. I don't play a game trying to acquire as many trophies as I can, I play the game and complete the missions and hopefully the game itself. If trophies come along the way then that's just a bonus. A bonus that I could live without though.
I have to admit that I've definitely drank the Kool-Aid in terms of achievements and obsessing with getting them all whenever I can. I've done way more mundane and repetitive things in games than I'd care to admit. I've kind of broken out of it a bit now though and I'll focus on finishing the story/game, but I'm still guilty of hunting for collectibles (Assassin's Creed flags, anyone?) way beyond what I would consider reasonable, lol.

It's a nice bonus, and it definitely helps get a sense of accomplishment when you're just grinding stuff. I guess it gives it a bit of a sense of purpose. I don't dislike them, to be honest, but I'm way less achievement crazy now then I was before.
I really enjoy going for trophies, though I usually only go for 100% trophies/achievements on games that I really really like, or games that I like and have easy trophies. My hardest platinum trophy so far is probably for Yakuza 3, the minigames were ridiculous! But I love that game, so I was happy to go for 100% anyway.
I don't usually bother about the achievements most of the time and have noticed in the hidden object games you can get solved a puzzle, without using the hint system easily and sometimes doing certain actions. I reckon that it can make a person try and do everything in the game so they get all the trophies and rewards , which can make the person feel they have accomplished something. It is something which can be good to get in the game, but would not get real obsessed over it and some people do get a bit upset over this and can lose their peace of mind in the process.
I have a love/hate relationship with achievement/trophies. Love them because I feel accomplished when I figure out how to get them and succeed in doing so, but hate them because sometimes getting them can be tedious. Achievements that I get out of the blue are a wonderful surprise, but achievements that necessitate a lot of grinding... well, I'm not so happy with those. (Max coins, ugh. Hate that kind of achievement especially.)

Looking at lists of achievements makes me learn more about games though (particularly rpgs/visual novels) and may lead me to sections of games that I never would have discovered otherwise, so I'm also thankful for that. :)
Looking at lists of achievements makes me learn more about games though (particularly rpgs/visual novels) and may lead me to sections of games that I never would have discovered otherwise, so I'm also thankful for that. :)

That's probably the best thing about achievements. I know that I, personally, would have never bothered with, for example, the koi-koi and Mahjong minigames in Yakuza 3/4 had it not been for the trophies tied to them. But I'm glad I did because I learned of some really fun real-life games. I still suck at Mahjong, though, but it's fun. Koi-koi is even more fun, though!