If you like Rune Factory games, I'd suggest Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands. If you do like games with good puzzles I'm going to second the Professor Layton game suggestions, and if you like puzzle games with stories the Phoneix Wright games are amazing. Elite Beat Agents is a dirt cheap rythm game that is amazing as well that I highly suggest.
A couple of lesser known games if these are familiar to you to recommend, starting with more action orintated ones is Monster Tale and Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ. Monster Tale is kind of like if Megaman and Pokemon had a baby, it plays like Megaman but you have a pet that you need to take care of during the adventure. Zombie BBQ is a zombie killing shooter that is reminiscent of Super Smash TV where you're just gunning down waves of zombies and it's a lot of fun.
Last two I'm going to throw out there is Ivy The Kiwi? which is sort of a... platforming puzzle game? It's an interesting little game where you lead a bird to an end goal while collecting things along the way. I wouldn't call it amazing, but it's cheap and a great little time waster. Infinite Space is the last I want to throw out there, which is a space simulator that I think is criminally underrated and one of the most interesting RPG-like games I know. It's definitely not for everyone, but it allows a crazy amount of customization for your crew, ship, and way you decide to play and explore. This particular one is definitely not all that cheap but worth checking out if it looks up your alley.