Anno 2070 is the continuation of the Anno series of games. This one is set in the near future with the objective of developing a thriving city-state through the strategic collection and usage of resources. The challenge in this game is to manage the resources in a manner that is both sustainable and allows for growth of your population based on their needs.
It's a delicate balancing act that has you spending a lot of time developing logistics in order to continue your advancement.
Definitely not a fast paced game, but the great graphics and deep gameplay makes for a fun experience. Multiplayer is available as well, but be warned that games often take several hours to run to completion.
Anno 2070 is the continuation of the Anno series of games. This one is set in the near future with the objective of developing a thriving city-state through the strategic collection and usage of resources. The challenge in this game is to manage the resources in a manner that is both sustainable and allows for growth of your population based on their needs.
It's a delicate balancing act that has you spending a lot of time developing logistics in order to continue your advancement.
Definitely not a fast paced game, but the great graphics and deep gameplay makes for a fun experience. Multiplayer is available as well, but be warned that games often take several hours to run to completion.