Any StarCraft fans here?


New Member
Sep 20, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Just wondering if anyone around plays StarCraft II and can enthuse about Legacy of the Void with me :) I'm really not much for the competitive play (And that's not against anyone but myself - the rage quits are so real with me), but I love watching the pro leagues and playing with friends co-operatively, and of course, the story. I also can't wait for Archon Mode :)
I like StarCraft II and I've played the single-player campaign of Wings of Liberty. I really loved the game! But, I lost my account now and I'm thinking of re-buying the game and playing it all over again along with the Heart of the Swarm expansion pack. I don't like multiplayer games in general, but I love playing the games in single-player. :)
I've probably logged more hours into Starcraft II than the rest of my games combined over the last 3 years. I got to Masters in ranked ladder at one point, but yes, the rage quits are strong with this one. There's something about building up my forces for 20 minutes and then losing it all in seconds that really irks me. Due to this, I ended up quitting the ladder season and switching over to some Arcade communities.

Legacy of the Void looks pretty sweet! As a Protoss player I'm really looking forward to playing through the campaign. Archon mode looks very entertaining as well, although I tried playing it with a friend (I have a beta key) and it was very difficult. The opponents had way more games played together than we did though.