Anyone else get motion sickness from games?

Some games, or parts of them, can literally give me motion sickness. Has anyone else experienced this? I can't play a game that makes me feel nauseous. I've also had some games just give me a headache. Anyone else?
I used to have the same feeling but i guess i got used to it with time. Most games that i have played made me feel nauseated and blur my vision but is a thing of the past.
I definitely get dizzy if I play an action game like Call of Duty on my TV for long periods of time. One thing I know for sure is that if I sit down in front of my PC since the moment I wake up and stay there for hours playing video games, I start to feel less like myself and feel the need to leave the apartment and take a break.
Yeah certain parts in Skyrim make me a little bit queasy and if i don't take a break it will escalate and I will NOT have a good time.
I don't get motion sickness, but I sure as hell get terrible headaches once in a while, mostly when I have to focus for a long period of time on something. Ever since I reduced the brightness of my monitor though, it has happened less frequently, so I would suggest that if you haven't done it.
First-person games do give me headaches after a while, since you're constantly looking around. This, and the graphics tend to really mess me up sometimes. I never get nauseous, but I do find myself needing to take breaks due to headaches or being tired.
Games where you're constantly jumping or being moved around, such as Far Cry 3, I can play for a good 2 hours before I need an hour long break.
Not necessarily motion sickness, but I have chronic migraines on a regular basis, so if I'm gaming too much sometimes my migraines will grow really intense and I'll have to stop to lie down. From then I'll have to shower to help the migraine go away hopefully.
I can get motion sickness if I am not the one playing the game. I have some sensory sensitivities and if I just had a migraine or have one coming I cannot watch a fast moving game with high graphics. I usually just leave the room and do my own thing if someone is playing a game.
I only get motion sickness when playing FPS games on a high look sensitivity. I remember playing Call of Duty MW2 when I was younger and quick-scoping on 10 look sensitivity. Always felt really dizzy after playing it and I never understood why. Don't really play FPS games that much anymore, I guess I've grown out of them. No offense to any of you guys that enjoy FPS games like Call of Duty.
I don't really get motion sickness when playing games, but a lot of my friends do! I'm one of those people that can make the character spin around like crazy for fun and never gets bothered by it. Or that silly thing you can do in Portal 2, where you put one portal above the other, jump in, and get put in a forever loop! My friend nearly threw up doing that, but I thought it was super fun!

I DO however, get over whelmed if I'm playing an FPS and suddenly get surrounded by enemies. I'd constantly jump off things and constantly accidentally murder myself when playing BioShock Infinite, because I couldn't tell where I was going and trying to run and get a vantage point.
Fortunately, I haven't experienced motion sickness too often, unless I'm scanning around at an incredibly fast rate. Mods that add realism to certain games and include head bobbing really sets off my motion sickness though. Maybe I've just been treading a fine line between dizziness and stability!
I have had, this happen in some games as the game was depressing and also cause me too feel unwell and the graphics was not that great. I reckon, that some new games or the graphics in some of the new Televisons may not be good for some people as they would have to get used to the screen. I think some games may have settings which, you can change to suit the game and good for the mood and screen.
Yeah sometimes, but only when I'm playing on my ipad or phone when I have to constantly tilt the screen to drive and maneuver around. It's never happened when I'm gaming on laptop or xbox though
I get nausea from FPS games. It really limits my ability to get into CoD or similarly popular games that hate me because I'm too good at them. I really hate that they don't let you alter the camera view. What happened to that? Makes no sense.
Yep, I always got sick in the car and some games cause me the same, what is really sad because I need to take a break and I get sick...
I think it may be the flashing images that is affecting you. I have never had any issues when I game but everyone is different and some people may even experience seizures when they play games. You may have to see a doctor about your condition.
Flashing images and seizures are different from motion sickness.

Even if you don't feel nauseated while playing games, the migraines and headaches are also tied in with motion related issues while gaming. My issues with motion sickness started with migraines and headaches at first then graduated to full on set of nausea along with the headaches.
The only game that's given me motion sickness was Arma 2, but that was just from the headbob and when I turned that off I was fine.
I get this big time. I cannot play Call of Duty because of this (probably not any FPS, but CoD is the only one I've tried). I play Assassin's Creed and have no trouble with that. On Skyrim, I have to mostly play in 3rd person, but get close in for fights. My daughter had to do the intro for me because I couldn't not do it and get sick.
I'm usually fine when I control games but watching other people - particularly people who are incompetent at coordinating movement and camera across two joysticks - tends to send me right over.