Are you a competitive gamer?


New Member
Sep 28, 2018
What I mean about competitive gamer is that it is a kind of feeling that you will not stop playing a particular game unless you won. For example, in playing ROS (Rules of Survival) you'll play to the longest hour possible until you win the first place #CHICKENDINNER. As for me, I am a competitive gamer, to every game I played I always wanted to be on top or at least to win over friend-playmates. I think this character of mine made me an addict to games. How about you? Care to share?
In my younger days, I would say "Yes". I am well motivated to play by hook or by crook. I am lucky to win over my playmates. If ever I lost, I always challenge them to bring the game on. Fight till the last drop. I am so focused that I don't want to be disturbed. I spent long hours just playing. I am competitive but I accept defeat in every game. It's all for fun.
I think I'm a competitive gamer because I always want to win any game I play.Anytime I'm playing games with my playmate I try to level up and be a winner though they also try to win too.
Yes I am really a competitive player, and I feel so down every time I lose, you know to yourself that you did everything but still you lose.
I can’t say that I’m competitive on a personal level. What I mean by this is that it matters more to me that the team wins, not so much that I make it first place.

Sure, it’s nice to be on top of the leaderboards for your team, but what’s the point if you end up on the losing team? I just try my best to make sure that my team has the upper hand, and as long as we win in the end, it doesn’t matter to me whether I’m in first or last place.

Many people who work to be in first place often ignore important team objectives, which results in the entire team’s loss.
Yes I could really say that I am a competitive gamer since I do also have such attitude wherein I like to be on top of the games as much as possible because it feels great if you are having such achievement. Whenever I lose for a certain game, I see to it to try again until I would won and achieve what I want to have. I think I have that attitude when I was still in college days since it is very rare now that I could play some video games because of my very busy schedule in my work. But then I still play games if I have some vacant time or If I feel to do so because I feel happy and satisfied whenever I am doing it.
Yeah, I guess that I am. But if I know that i'm tilting too easy or something like that, there is no rush. If I see that I'm playing worse because of stress, I'm just going to chill out that day.
Sometimes I play competitively and sometimes I just play casually. I play Overwatch every day and when I'm in a competitive mood I play to win. But there are times when I just want to relax so I just play in Quick Play mode without a care if I win or lose.
I would say yes, but not all the games bring out my competitive side. Currently the most competitive game for me is Rocket League. Me and my friends play the game almost daily. First we go for a few online matches and then we play against each other and it gets really really competitive. Making fun of each other, throwing tantrums, blaming lag etc. Before Rocket League it was CS:GO. That game literally made my mad, both at my teammates and the other players. I had to force my self to stop playing it as it was making me very toxic. I was angry most of the times for no reason, thus I decided it's time to say good bye to the game.
Yes I’m a competitive gamer I’m a gamer that’s gonna burn time to unlock every characters and power ups. I’ve played digimon rumble arena when i was still a kid and playing it on a ps1 it got to a point that i was so competitive that i played a whole day to just unlock every character and my dad was getting mad cause i was hogging the tv. When i saved my data to a memory card i was thrilled but the next day full of rage cause when i saved all the characters I couldn’t find them just a dissapointed kid. So that’s when i knew i was a competitive gamer.
I try to do this all the time because I like competition especially when it comes to my favourite games I try to fight to finish to win.I'm a really competitive player.
I am a competitive player but not all the time. My competitiveness will also depend on my mood and on the type of the game. If it is racing games, then I will do my best to beat everyone. But for other game is just a fun for me and trying to enjoy my day.
Yeah, this is my attitude. I would rather decide to stay awake for night instead of having to give up on a certain game. There are people that will always feel that they can't just allow you beat them on some game especially the online game and this is something we should work well as regards making sure we remain competitive.
It’s a characteristic that you are born with i guess cause i really have a bitter taste when i loose in a game. It started for me at a young age to play a game and complete all the objectives and be proud to show my achievements. I’m not really an online player but i like a co-op games like left for dead with my friends really fun it was the first game i played online it was thrilling i keep playing it until now.
When it comes to playing video games, I wouldn't say that I am competitive and I have to play a game until I get a win but if I do need to be competitive I can be such as for maybe ranked modes on games or even tournaments that I may play in.

I am someone if the game starts getting too much and my gameplay starts to dip a little, I walk away and take a break instead of keep trying.
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I have always been a competitive gamer since my childhood days because it is the only way I can be able to give my 100% in the particular game I am playing with my friends.
I would not call myself a competitive gamer because I don't even have enough time to play video games like I used to. I might stay 4 months without playing a single game.
I love playing video games at my own pace which is why I wouldn't consider myself a competitive gamer. I'm not playing to drag anything with anyone apart from my own enjoyment and having fun.