Are you hoping for any gaming surprises in 2023?


Dec 16, 2022
England, UK
We are already a month into the New Year and we can surely expect some announcements in the gaming world this year as we always do each year.

Are you hoping to see any kind of gaming surprises in 2023 or are you hoping for any announcements in 2023? What are you hoping to see when announcements are made this year?
These are some of the video games that have already been released this year. Some of them are great games. Have you played any of them?

Forspoken (PC, PS5)
Mahokenshi (PC)
Whalien - Unexpected Guests (PC)
Risen (PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
World War Z (PS5, Xbox Series X/S)
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There are so many games that have been moved to be released this year 2023. But all my eyes is on Final Fantasy 16. It's my biggest game franchise from Square Enix. I hope they end up releasing it this year not postpone it again.
I had my eyes on Baldur's Gate 3 which came out so well. I wasn't surprised the game ending up to win the best game of 2023 award.