best idea for a game???

Yup that's the stuff. Is garroting a common term everywhere or this something special I know from living in Jersey, land of the mafia?
Knives get blood everwhere. Poison is good - especially if it's the kind that won't show up on a toxicology report.
Ok, let's try to rope this topic away from Katie.

Besides all the games I am going to make that take place in the universe of my books, I have several ideas for the direction of the Metroid series. I am sure many of you will not be surprised by this one bit. I think they should add some RPG/customization elements to Metroid. Samus has plenty of skills and the player could develop each one similar to the Diablo 2 style of leveling that has also been used in the Baldur's Gate series and X-Men Legends. They could take all of the beams and suits and each one could be expanded by points. Skills like screw attack and space jump could also be developed by the point system. There would be advantages and disadvantages to each one. So the player could create their own version of Samus.

In conjunction with this, they could make a series of games that may be shorter than previous Metroid games but are released in less time. They could call the series The Federation Missions or something like that. Each game would have little to do with the overall Metroid story, they would just be accounts of various adventures. The new point would be that you could transfer your developed character between the games.

In my mind, one thing that hurts the Metroid series (for those that are not interested in the Secret Worlds) is the replay value of each game. I think adding an element of customization to the character would expand on that. One time through you could have a slow, powerful tank. Another time through you could have an agile, rapid firing hunter.

Also, I think they should make a multiplayer only Metroid game called Fusion vs Phazon. The basic premise would be that the SA-X (Fusion) and Dark Samus (Phazon) both want to conquer the universe, but they have to get rid of the other faction first. You would join one of the two factions as a clone of the SA-X or Dark Samus. The game would be similar to all other FPS multiplayer games except I think they could carry over the customization ideas for character development. The unique movement skills that exist in the Metroid universe could lead to very interesting level designs in my mind. I was slightly disappointed that they did not expand on these for Echoes. Hopefully in Prime 3.

Well, that fulfills my Metroid obsession requirement for the day.
How about the HBO series OZ as a video game. There could be mini games for trying to find out if someone has put crushed glass in your food, or a mini game on trying to hold on to the soap! There could be multiple endings where you hang yourself with your own shirt, or end up being someone's bitch, getting shanked in the courtyard, you could get the electric chair, or a boring ending like you serve your time and get released.

Oh! Or how about a knock off of the Viagra game. It could be a Cialis game. But you can't play for more than 4 hours at a time.
One interesting idea for a game could involve creating an open-world adventure with customizable avatars, where players can explore different realms filled with unique challenges, quests, and puzzles. The game could feature a dynamic system where players unlock new abilities and items as they progress, and the game environment constantly evolves based on player interactions. Imagine integrating roblox type soul codes into the mix, allowing players to generate and share their own custom game modes or experiences. This would provide endless possibilities for creativity and give users the chance to engage with one another in diverse ways. With such a system, the game's growth would be driven by its community, making each playthrough different and exciting.
best idea for new games
come on i know you have somethin if not good then funny now spil :tapedshut
I don't have any knowledge when it comes to developing video games. I am someone who only plays games that have been developed by prominent video gaming companies.