Flappy Bird, 2048, and Candy Crush are good ones. If you like learning apps, though, I'd suggest DuoLingo. The app helps teach you any of the following languages: Spanish, German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Irish, and Danish. You play games involving grammar and vocabulary, and once you pass each section, you move on to harder levels. The app also reinforces you to practice what you've learned. You can also play against friends of strangers, and you can 'buy' power-ups with Lingots- a currency used to buy them.
You mentioned that you don't want to play games that you have to play on a daily basis, so DuoLingo might be a bit more involved than you probably want it to be, but it's something to think about. I'd recommend the first three games before DuoLingo, though, if you want to keep it simple.