Binding of Isaac


New Member
Nov 19, 2014
I haven't gotten a chance to buy the new one yet! :( Lack of funds. I thoroughly enjoyed playing the first one. It's pretty demented for how simple it looks in appearance.

The different items made me giggle.

Even if I was low on hearts I'd run around making sure to clear the entire map before I bothered with the boss because my curiosity got the best of me. I just HAD to know what else was there! Then frowned deeply when I realized I couldn't get into certain areas because I wasted my key elsewhere or had no bombs.

My boyfriend has mentioned enjoying the new on, so I'm really looking forward to playing it once I can afford it.

Opinions? Like it? Don't? Have you played the new one yet?
Bought it as soon as it came out! The original was incredibly good and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Rebirth is exactly what you would expect of the title, it's the same game but better! New monsters, bosses, items, challenges, areas... More craziness!

If you truly liked the original that much, buy it! You won't regret it.
I played both the original and the new one and I enjoyed them both. This new game does really have new items and monsters and is really fun to play, some might say that it is even better than the original one, including me. As Maou said, if you liked the original one you should definetely buy the new release.
Gosh! I definitely need to get on this then. It sounds like it is definitely worth the play :D I absolutely love playing Binding of Isaac, so Rebirth sounds super appealing. I'll have to doublecheck my fundage! I'm going on vacation soon. Gotta make sure I have money to buy random junk from another country. :p

I wanna see all of the new stuff D: Fo reeeeeealz. This sounds so fun.