Board Games?


New Member
May 5, 2015
Board games have just experienced a resurgence in popularity. We're all gamers here, but what about old school board or tabletop gaming? Do you have any favorites? Personally, I want to get the Game of Thrones board game.
When it comes to board games I only play dominoes and checkers. Dominoes is my favorite board game and I love to play in real life. It provides great entertainment and it also allows you to be thinking constantly about your next play.
My family used to play board games a lot when I was a kid, so I have a bit of a soft spot for them. We played the usual Monopoly and Clue, but one game I remember fondly is Masterpiece, which was an art auction game. You'd move around a circular board with various types of spaces and ultimately the goal was to own the rarest paintings possible. I never got into D&D but I've always wanted to; it looks like fun from what I've seen.
My family used to play board games a lot when I was a kid, so I have a bit of a soft spot for them. We played the usual Monopoly and Clue, but one game I remember fondly is Masterpiece, which was an art auction game. You'd move around a circular board with various types of spaces and ultimately the goal was to own the rarest paintings possible. I never got into D&D but I've always wanted to; it looks like fun from what I've seen.

Of course, I played Monopoly and Clue as a kid, too. I've never heard of Masterpiece, though. It sounds cool. As for D&D, it's been around forever, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding a play group.
My three favorite board games are Monopoly, Clue and Scrabble. All three games stand the test of time. I don't play board games as often these days but I do play a fair amount of poker - both live and online.
I have always loved. Monopopoly and I still do. We don't play it much anymore and admittedly we never really played it that much back then too just because it took too long but I personally love it enough that I even installed apps of it in my phone now and back when phones were a bit lower tech too.
Let's see now, what were the good old favorites? Monopoly, Scrabble, and maybe a Connect Four. But the most addicting game out there right now, for me anyways, would be Jenga.
I am not really a huge fan of board games, but I used to like playing Snakes and Ladder and Scrabble.
I did join the chess society when I was in high school, but I've hardly played it since. I do have Tabletop Simulator though, so I guess I could play almost any board game I desire if I want to :P
Let's see now, what were the good old favorites? Monopoly, Scrabble, and maybe a Connect Four. But the most addicting game out there right now, for me anyways, would be Jenga.

I was thinking of the same list. You can never go wrong with Jenga. That is a fun game that anyone can just pick up and play.
I was thinking of the same list. You can never go wrong with Jenga. That is a fun game that anyone can just pick up and play.
I remember Jenga. I used to play a similar game called Uno Stacko. Those were definitely family board game night staples.

It looks like almost everyone around here got to play Monopoly and Scrabble. :) Those are definitely the games that are most associated with childhood memories, I guess.
I love boardgames. I made a meetup group in my area to play them, but its hard to get people together, I've recruited 180 people, but I'm lucky if 3 show up when I schedule an event lol and sometimes people will rsvp and then leave me hanging, even if I drive over an hour to our meetup location (where the majority of our members are located). So I don't get to play as much as I would like as I have very few friends (outside of acquaintances in my group).

A few of my favorites include:

Apples to Apples
Settlers of Catan
Cards Against Humanity
Queen's Necklace
Killer Bunnies
Magic the Gathering (I play this one quite a bit with my boyfriend who's given me most of my current cards, I was into it back in the 90s, but then quit, and when I met my boyfriend he's really into it, so I got hooked again lol.)
White Wolf Games (Vampire, Werewolf, Changling, Mummy, Wraith, Hunter, etc) I love how these game worlds can be combined and interact with eachother, and I prefer them over Pathfinder or D&D, because they feel more focused on storytelling and problem solving rather than hack and slash combat, but it could just be my experiences with different groups of people/DMs
Wow Xenokitten, you've certainly played a lot of games. I've played a few of your favorites, like Munchkin, but certainly not all of them. I'll list those done as future games-to-play.

I play Magic the Gathering with my boyfriend too. He taught me how to play. I agree, it's a really good game.
The board games that I personally enjoy generally tend to fall into one of three camps.

Firstly, I enjoy classics like Chess and Risk that reward strategy and actual skill rather than being mere games of chance!

Secondly, I enjoy modern games like Cards Against Humanity that facilitate having uproarious good times with a small group of friends!

Thirdly, I absolutely loved playing tabletop RPGs like Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Second Edition during my late nineties junior high school days! I always gravitated towards playing a mage, which at low levels was a fairly masochist choice due to the absurdly low hit points and daily spell limits for that particular class in that specific edition--but it paid off if my mage somehow managed to survive those deadly, limited beginnings!

I was also really into TSR's numerous novels set in their various AD&D campaign settings, especially Margaret Weis' and Tracy Hickman's DragonLance novels and R.A. Salvatore's Forgotten Realms novels starring Drizzt Do'Urden!

Unfortunately, I sort of fell out of it in later years--largely due to the lack of other people's interests at my new high school! (I was lucky if I could get them to play Hero Quest, which is essentially the lovechild of D&D and traditional board games! Highly recommended!) I would love to get back into it, and try some of the new editions (and also experience the classic campaign settings like Planescape, Ravencroft, Dark Sun and SpellJammer that I never got around to earlier)! I suppose that now would be a great time to do so given that D&D has become much more popular (cool even) and its new Fifth Edition was just released! (Although, based upon what I've heard and read, Pathfinder might be closer to the gaming experience I truly seek.)

I never had a chance to play any of the other tabletop RPGs, but I would be quite interested in dipping my toes into the waters of Call of Cthulhu, Shadow Run, Cyberpunk, and Rifts!

I must confess that I have never played Magic: The Gathering, though it does indeed seem like it is something that I would enjoy. In fact, the only such then-popular card games that I did play and enjoy was Marvel Comics' OverPower!
Board games have just experienced a resurgence in popularity. We're all gamers here, but what about old school board or tabletop gaming? Do you have any favorites? Personally, I want to get the Game of Thrones board game.

My family can be pretty competitive, therefore a family get-together usually includes a board game or card game of some kind. I personally love Monopoly, Payday, and Scrabble, but we often play Risk or the card game Munchkin, which has an RPG-feel but is definitely more low-commitment. I also enjoy playing Settlers of Catan with friends, it can get pretty competitive.