Anyone here played/playing Child of Light by Ubisoft Montreal? It's a side-scroll platform role-playing game with a turn-based fighting system that's a little similar to the Grandia games in that it has a wait time for attack and then a "cast" time to execute the action, depending on how long the action is. It also uses the ubi-art framework which is in Legends and Rayman while the actual aesthetics reminds me of Okami, but with a more European fairytale twist.
You play as the Austrian Child!Princess Aurora who dies suddenly at the start of the story but then wakes up in the unknown world called Lemuria.
I'm currently at Chapter 5 and the aesthetics are just so pretty. The entire world is a backdrop of water-coloured paintings and Aurora's hair has a command script of its own. Story and gameplay are pretty straightfoward and if you've ever heard or read about a fairytale, you kinda figure out the end boss from the prologue alone but it's been fun. Cons is that certain encounter fights are actually harder to defeat than some boss battles. I was told it's pretty short too, so that might be a con for those who like spending hours on an RPG.