

Jan 21, 2015
I've been playing destiny since beta. Sure, it's content is limited. Sure, there are glitches everywhere. But it's Bungie. And if there is something I've learned, it's that Bungie fixes all their programs in due time. Even Halo got some love way after its time before they sold it off.

At 2700 Grimoire score and three level 32's, I've just started PVPing all the time. As I've been following Bungie since Halo 1, I want to give them adequate time to fix all their issues. I mean, Destiny in the scope of things has only been out since September - just five months. Most games make or break themselves in the first year, but I think since they're trying to stretch it out. I do however really like the community. From Ps4 version to the Xbox 360/Xbox One, the community doesn't switch much. Aside from the fact you tend to get more juveniles and kids on the Xbox 360 because its been out the longest.

But, even with everything wrong in the game, the FPS quality is fantastic. The PVP is openflowing and feels natural. Their PVP maps are pretty well designed. The only thing that shocked me is that Bungie, king of PVP types, didn't give the option for custom matches in PVP (Ala Slayer from Halo). Aside from that, I don't mind saying I believe I've spent my money right. What do you think? I think this game has HUGE potential.
I haven't been able to get into Destiny. It's a great concept but the multiplayer just feels unfair and unbalanced. I'm not interested mining for minerals for hours on Mars to get better weapons. I just get dominated and it's exceptionally frustrating. I miss games like Halo 3, but I fear it is not coming back. Maybe I should give Destiny another chance I'm not so sure though. I've been playing a bit of Dragon Age or just sports games.
I like Destiny a lot more now than I did when it first came out. I still don't play it that often, but the gameplay is overall pretty solid. Newcomers will probably find the game pretty frustrating at first. Things get a lot better as you progress and start to get more equipment, though. I don't see myself playing more and more as time goes on, but I have definitely learned to like the game a lot more. I haven't even experienced that many bugs lately.
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My brother is playing it beside me right now, pvping. I like the fluidity of their PVP. I just wish they'd offer custom game-types like they did in Halo. Ability to tweak map settings. Ability to load what map you want instead of it being "random" (we know the "RANDOM" likes to give the same map, a lot) it gets aggravating when you like other maps and they don't show up.

Other than that, it's my only real gripe. The Raids are decently designed for a company just trying out their first full-scale MMO setting. The next DLCs will be fun.
I like Destiny a lot more now than I did when it first came out. I still don't play it that often, but the gameplay is overall pretty solid. Newcomers will probably find the game pretty frustrating at first. Things get a lot better as you progress and start to get more equipment, though. I don't see myself playing more and more as time goes on, but I have definitely learned to like the game a lot more. I haven't even experienced that many bugs lately.

I guess if I look at it as a pure shooter I may enjoy it more. It does have good fire fights and team-based strategy. I just wish the playing field is more even like they used to do in games, last great example being Halo 3. Those days are long gone with pay to win and farm to win taking over. I could always go back to to a game like Counter Strike if I want a true fair outcome.
I think the thing you have to take into account with Destiny is that it's built to be a bit over the top. Supers are definitely overpowered, but I think it's important to include how teamwork can help make or break anyone's supers. If you're having trouble getting materials, you can always spend marks at a merchant to buy some. I don't think I've ever really mined for materials. I just pick up what I get when I'm out at a spot and what I don't get, I buy. Yes, I do think the game has its own flaws, but it's pretty damn good, and I don't know of a game that doesn't.
These days I find myself playing more Destiny than anything else. This is the very MMO FPS I have ever actually got into. Yes thats right, a true gamer who does not generally like very many First-Person-Shooter type games.

My Husband and Friends convinced me over this past summer to just download the free demo, so I did to appease them. Wouldn't you know it, it just so happen to suck me in from the very beginning

Now I have three Max Level 32 characters. :P
It's so fun to just replay the raids with different people to see if they sink or swim. After doing so many runs it becomes nature what to do when to do it, but watching pure newbies is entertaining. And I like to help.
I agree, most people are like "Noobs, I am not doing it with noobs" but it is actually fun to gauge peoples reactions to first time through. I remember my first time through the Vault Of Glass or VOG, all of those jumps were a blast. Watching new people do them is fun because you get to see epic fails. lol. There should be a Vault of Glass Epic Fails, I am sure it would be hilarious.
I think Destiny has to be one of the best online multi-player games ever created I love the graphics and game play, but I have to say one of the best things about it is the enemy AI, it is brilliant how your enemies "think" so to speak. For those who have not played it before, I would recommend giving it a chance. The game is alawyas updated to enhance the experience and there is even a new expansion pack coming out in a couple of weeks which will add even more content.

The best game I have played by a long shot!