Did you ever like Final Fantasy 1?


New Member
Nov 15, 2014
Square was on the brink of closing down when it came up with its final stand. The final game that would make or ultimately break them. They called it Final Fantasy. And, to their delight, it was a huge success. This allowed Square to continue with its operations and become the software giant that they are today.

However, once you take a long look at the very first Final Fantasy game that saved Square, you'll probably question its greatness. Is it really good? Is it worth replaying? For me, the answer is a resounding no. Even if Square remade the game, I think it would still suck. I never liked FF1. What about you?
I held onto my copy of FF1 for a loooong time thinking I would get into it and I just couldn't. It was more about having the game physically for me. It just played too slow, and I'm no stranger to slow games by any means. It was neat that so early on it gave you so many character options, but I just didn't see enough difference for that to matter. I ended up selling it with a few other collectibles when I need rent money in undergrad.
I remember playing this waybackwhen and it was entertaining enough for me at the time. It's straightforward and there's not much replay value (for me; might be different for others) but you can see the shadows of what will be a standard for the future games and that was rather awesome to see. I've always liked the job system in Final Fantasy games so it was fun to see what the originals were and then have the chance to compare it to future games with similar job systems.

I also really liked playing it because I've played every other Final Fantasy games until 10 at that time so it was nice to play and finish it, if only completion feeling of having played every available FF game I had.
I wouldn't call it a marketable achievement by any means. However, I did like the pixel work in it. I can't say much more than it was okay. It wasn't great, it wasn't even all that good, but the game honestly wasn't a bad game to play. I think Square realized that when they started making more of them.
Well it's a JRPG in every right with loads of grind. Personally I loved it, more so than the newer FFs actually.
I didn't play Final Fantasy I until 2007. I see why it was groundbreaking at the time, but the genre has just come so far since then. It was hard to play.
I held onto my copy of FF1 for a loooong time thinking I would get into it and I just couldn't. It was more about having the game physically for me. It just played too slow, and I'm no stranger to slow games by any means. It was neat that so early on it gave you so many character options, but I just didn't see enough difference for that to matter. I ended up selling it with a few other collectibles when I need rent money in undergrad.
I felt the exact same way. I tried so hard to like the game but no matter what I just couldn't get into it. It just wasn't my kind of game. Like yourself, I found the game way too slow for my own personal tastes. I think I put about two ours into the game and immediately knew it just wasn't going to be for me.
I believe I had Final Fantasy I when it originally was released but it was easily added to the games that I didn't play too much. I didn't really play any RPGs from beginning to end until Final Fantasy VII. That game was the most captivating of all the Final Fantasys I've played Final Fantasy X from beginning to end too. I may go back and give the first one another try, as RPGs are probably my favorite genre of video games.
I believe I had Final Fantasy I when it originally was released [...]
Wait, originally released? Do you mean you bought it in the late 80s when it was for the SNES?

Or, wait, that would be in Japanese wouldn't it? Haha. Sorry sorry, never mind then. I don't really remember when it was release in English. I just thought whoa, this person's been a gamer since the late 80s! :p
All of my kids played through the FF series. My youngest is the biggest fan. She still plays all of the games. I don't think she'll ever stop liking any of them. I'm not sure what it is about them, since I haven't played. I guess I should sometime.