Do You Buy Games On Day-one Release?


New Member
Feb 15, 2015
In the past few years, there were some memorable events where large or AAA companies that released games with glaring bugs or glitches. Rome 2, Assassins Creed: Unity, and so on had issues immediately after launch that people are starting to shy away from buying games on release. I have never bought a game on release, even if I was tempted.

Do you but games on release or not? Can you give examples of game breaking bugs on various games? Are developers relying on patches? So many questions. I guess it comes with the fact that games are getting more complex now.
I have purchased expansions on release (for WoW). I remember years ago when people still bought games at the store more instead of grabbing the digital. People would wait in line overnight and such to be the first ones to get a game or expansion. I never went that far. I did usually try to pre-order or reserve a copy if possible.

I also live in the sticks, so generally there wasn't a mad rush/sell out to contend with.

The latest expac is the first time I haven't bought it on release.
Blizzard is the only company I buy games from on release day. I can´t think of another company that doesn´t usually have glaring issues the first few weeks. Blizzard is not perfect by any means, but at least I know the game will be playable and fun until the minor stuff gets fixed.
It really depends on how much I love a series for me to buy it on release date, especially considering there are a lot of games I will wait to buy until they are on sale. Mostly I see myself buying games closest to release when they have an online multiplayer that I absolutely can't wait to play...the ones that if you don't get on the train right away that you'll miss out on the best of the experience. However, if it's a game that's based on single player campaigning I'll most likely wait and see how it compares online and pick it up whenever is convenient for me.
I bought Castle In The Darkness on release, it was $4.98 and I do enjoy some old school platformers.

I definitely enjoyed it and even got 100% in it!
I remember when Dragon age origins came out in November 2009 there were glitches Bioware was the developer and sometimes it could be fixed after reloading or not playing the game to give it a rest. I do usually buy on the day like Tomb raider origins it was quite popular and a young lara and showing how she changes from the scared girl to a brave one which was interesting to see. It would have been good if this game had come out ages ago and had good graphics in the 90s
The days of me buying day 1 releases are mostly over. Games tend to drop in price so quickly these days that it makes sense for me to hold off for a month or two and get the game at a discounted price. There are a few games that I am willing to make an exception for - FIFA, Football Manager and MLB: The Show among them.
I never buy on release day, but honestly not so much for fear of bugs and glitches but more so just because I don't want to spend full price just to play a game early. I already have a huge backlog of unplaced games as it is and I tend to just try and eliminate games from that list instead of rushing myself to pay full price. There are a few exceptions that I might do this for but generally I have no problem with playing a game when it's a bit older.
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I used to all the time, even did a few midnight releases here and there. These days I usually don't get a chance to play until the weekend so there's not much point in getting it day 1. It's also nice that these days you rarely ever have to worry about games selling out, especially with the access to online sales.
Definitely not, I'd rather wait for a few months to buy the game at half price, and when I clearly know what the game is like from reading reviews. There have been so many buggy day one releases that you'd think that people would have learned their lesson already.
I never buy on release day, but honestly not so much for fear of bugs and glitches but more so just because I don't want to spend full price just to play a game early. I already have a huge backlog of unplaced games as it is and I tend to just try and eliminate games from that list instead of rushing myself to pay full price. There are a few exceptions that I might do this for but generally I have no problem with playing a game when it's a bit older.
I am in the same boat as you. These days, my backlog is so long that it just doesn't make sense to pay full retail for a game I am probably not going to get around to playing for a few months anyway. I may as well hold off and wait for it to go on sale and then buy it. This was the very reason why I held off on buying Far Cry 4 until just very recently. I have a hard time justifying paying full price for a game that will just sit in my backlog.
In the past few years, there were some memorable events where large or AAA companies that released games with glaring bugs or glitches. Rome 2, Assassins Creed: Unity, and so on had issues immediately after launch that people are starting to shy away from buying games on release. I have never bought a game on release, even if I was tempted.

Do you but games on release or not? Can you give examples of game breaking bugs on various games? Are developers relying on patches? So many questions. I guess it comes with the fact that games are getting more complex now.
Well its been a long time since I had really was in that light. Buying games right now for me is not really in my best interest. I would if I had the money to do so. I could remember just waiting for the price to go down before buying them.
Almost never. I stopped buying new games a few years ago, and just buy 2nd hand games. All games eventually make their way into the 2nd hand buckets, and since I'm a few years "out of date", I find "new" games there as time goes on. I get all the excitement of new games at a third of the price ;)
Unless you're hardcore in love with the game or the developer, buying something, especially something having to do with tech, on day one is probably not a great idea. There are usually bugs and glitches that slip past the testing phase. Also, the price tends to drop as well, so that's a bonus.

What really irks me is how some games are being offered "pre-release". Basically you'd be paying them to beta test the game for them
I don’t buy games on release because for one, I would be battling with a lot of people in the store to get the certain game. I am also a cheapskate and would wait for how many months or even years for the game to decrease in value before I buy it. I don’t care of others already finished it or have spoiled me but I want to get that discount. I have no experience in any game breaking bugs, but if encounter them, it would be nice just to see how it is for a game to get bugged and have something extra on the game.
I am in the same boat as you. These days, my backlog is so long that it just doesn't make sense to pay full retail for a game I am probably not going to get around to playing for a few months anyway. I may as well hold off and wait for it to go on sale and then buy it. This was the very reason why I held off on buying Far Cry 4 until just very recently. I have a hard time justifying paying full price for a game that will just sit in my backlog.
I think it's the most practical way to go about it too. Not only do you get to finish off some games on your list but also you get to keep yourself busy until the game becomes cheaper. It's why I've almost never bought any game at full price, but I can understand how some people can be too excited to wait.
No not really, I usually download my games of torrents or borrow from my friends, lol.
The game when it's first released it's usually overpriced so for me (even if you're a fan
of the previous series) it's dumb to buy it that day.
I very rarely buy games on launch day. The last two I can think of have been Jungle Rumble and Freedom Wars.
I used to back when I could or was really looking forward to a release. Now I'm more reserved about it, and unless is a release I absolutely cannot wait for, I tend to just wait it out until it goes down in price or I feel like is a good time to go and buy it.

There's also the waiting for DLC. I like to have a general idea of how much support the game will get and if it is essential for me to enjoy the post-game.
I don't jump on buying anything, whether it's a game, a phone, a book, a spaceship, I don't care. This goes for everything, but is more obvious on electronics and software: things go down in price as they go up in age. Just wait until the initial hype calms down, the product will go down in price, and sometimes, the seller will even add some extra discounts to raise the interest once more, so it will be a win-win situation.
Regarding what you've said about game breaking bugs. Nothing springs to mind right now, maybe what happened with Ubisoft, when they had to add a crack to one of their official games because its online saving system was really laggy. I think it was for Assassins Creed Unity, but I'm not sure. Anyway, they ended up stealing a crack from one of the established hackers in the business, which was really ironic :D. It wasn't a game breaker bug, but it got a nice chuckle out of me.