Do you have an extensive collection of games?

Like many people, I've been gaming from the Atari days onward. With that, I've built up a huge collection of games. I still have all my games from Atari, NES, Sega Master System, Genesis, SNES, PS1, PS2, and Gamecube. I'm actually going to start looking at how much it's worth.

I have had to move 5 times in the past 10 years. Unfortunately, it seems like my video game collection gets smaller and smaller after each move, perhaps because I get into purges of getting rid of stuff for the sake of not having to move it again. That being said, I still have a small collection of games for the PS2, XBOX 360, PC, and Gameboy Color. I have kept all of the games that I am willing to play over and over again, and over time have sold or given away games that I am unlikely to replay.
I'd say I did back in my early 20's but now I've really refined my collection to what I absolutely love and play regularly. Some of my friends and I have different tastes in games, so we swap with each other's collections - that way we get the best of both worlds, and don't have to personally own all the latest and greatest games out there. Part of me wishes that I'd have more games, but at the end of the day they cost money, and I don't have as much disposable income as I once did!
well I still do have a no. of games in Nintendo Entertainment System and Nintendo 64 before I used to collect most game cartridge and I still have them at my home, I still play with some of them whenever I have a spare time, and I still do have an emulator copy of it for psp which I always bring wherever I go, funny thing is that even though it doesn't have a really good graphic I still can't stop playing with it.
I would if I don't sell the games I have finished. To save a bit of cash I sell my PS4 physical game copies after finishing them. Then I'll buy another game from the cash I got from selling. Rinse and repeat.
I have an extensive collection of Mario games: From Super Mario World to Super Mario Galaxy, I'm probably one of the biggest Mario fans you'll meet! My favorite Mario game of all time will always be Super Mario Sunshine; I remember me and my sister used to play that game together almost every weekend (taking turns), and the ending to the game was so emotional too!
You just brought back memories of all the Mario games it was really great fun for me then.I had the best of time gaming especially after my exams then I had all the time to play games that were trending then.
I do but they're all digital. I keep saying I will build a collection of physical games but I always end up trading them in. At the minute I have two, Mass Effect: Andromeda and Deus Ex: Mankind divided lol.
Like many people, I've been gaming from the Atari days onward. With that, I've built up a huge collection of games. I still have all my games from Atari, NES, Sega Master System, Genesis, SNES, PS1, PS2, and Gamecube. I'm actually going to start looking at how much it's worth.
Being a game collector is very nice. This is because you're stockpiling history and in turn is making a big investment that's capable of paying you big time if you decide to sell off your collection.
The huge collection ever had was between my sister and I. We have a box where we pack all our video games. My sister said we have outgrown those games, she suggested that we give it out to our nieces and nephews. I agreed with her though I kept some for myself.
Unfortunately, I no longer have any of the classic games I used to play which is a shame, I can only imagine how rare some of them are now.

I know of a few people who have collections of old classics and still add to their collections as and when they can but that can be quite an expensive thing to do, especially with some classic games going for in some cases $100s.