Do You Like/Love To Read?

I love to read! I don't generally have a ton of time for reading though, but I will read lots of original fiction by unpublished authors online on my phone. If I'm lucky I can read some on my Kindle, but that's not all that often. :(
I usually read fantasy and science fiction and lately I've been into Manga, and Korean Manwhas. They're very well illustrated and take no time to load in the background while I work so I read a chapter here and there.
I love reading in my spare time, but at this point and time in my life I am only able to read books that are assigned for my classes. Right now I'm reading Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card for Communications 101. I hate reading books when I HAVE to. It feels like more of a chore than something I enjoy.
Yeah I am a huge reader of books I like crime fiction and horror novels. I also like a lot of non-fiction as well from rock star biographies to books about drug kingpin Pablo Escobar. My favorite authors are John Connolly, George Pelecanos and a man named Stephen King. His 11/22/63 was a masterpiece of science fiction and suspense. And Irish author John Connolly's Charlie "Bird" Parker is a truly unforgettable character that spans quite a few quality books now in that series.
I don't particularly love reading, but I do read books every now and then. I'm currently reading the Game of Thrones series and the Divergent series. I'm on my first book on both series. :)
I love reading books. Currently, I am reading 'A Clash of Kings' by George RR Martin. In fact, I am not the one who is doing the reading since I just listen while my E-reader software does the talking.
Depends, actually. When I have something interesting to read, I read, when the book is boring as hell, I just throw it away.
You know, I used to read SO much (I was like a Belle, haha), and as I got older... well, now time is a thing. I do like to read stuff on my iphone at night while waiting to fall asleep, but that's not exactly the same. I really should grab some new books to read!
I usually have two ow three books on the go at any given time. Right now I'm reading The Legend of Zelda and Phycology(that might not be the exact title) for the first time, as well as working my way through How to Win Friends and Influence people for the fifth time or so.
I love books like everybody else. It exercises your imagination and relaxes your body. After a hectic and problematic day, it is really refreshing to just sit back, relax and read a boo, let your imagination guide you and just get lost to what you are reading. Reads from Bourdain and Caleb Carr are my favorites.
I sure love to read, besides playing the computer all day. But since I do play the computer mostly all day, I set aside 2 - 3 hours before I go to sleep to read my books. I just love reading been reading and playing video games since I was just a little child that could read. I just enjoy the relaxation you can get from reading. How about you guys?

Most of my reading now is shirt pieces online, such as in blogs or articles. It is so much easier and more convenient for me to pick up my phone and read than it is to break open a book to read. I used to love reading books, but now that my schedule keeps me super busy, I don't feel like I have the time to finish anything lengthy. I plan to get back into reading fiction novels when my schedule allows it.
Reading is one of the best things that I enjoy doing during my spare time. I have come to realize that everything we know in life is already in the book and by reading, I get to learn more about life.
I like to read books. They're what makes up my free time aside from games. I get to explore different worlds using my imagination.
I used to be the most avid reader you will ever see. Apparently even before I knew how to read I would "read" because I'd have a book in my hand and make up stories aloud. After I had my own computer and would use it for a while, I slowly stopped and got into fanfiction. I haven't even read that in a while. I wish I could get back into it because I miss reading them sometimes but I never find the time.

It's often the case for most people. Other things take up the time given for reading stories. It's just part of the modern life. But sometimes you get back into it if you find time for reading.
I am still very much an avid reader. Whether it be books, magazines or blogs. I still read more than my fair share of paper books to go with e-books. I am old school and have a pretty extensive book collection. There is something that just doesn't quite feel the same when reading an e-book. I like being able to physically turn the pages and actually hold the book.

I feel the same way. I like reading printed books because of their smooth touch. It's always fun to have something to hold to while reading. Though, I must admit that I'm more comfortable reading using eBooks due to its convenience.
I usually read online articles, magazines, and things like that. I know those aren't the most educational, but I do get some reading in. I have some music related book around my room somewhere that I will get into sooner or later thought.

Well, anything's better than nothing. In fact, reading well-written articles can be a good substitute if you don't have time for books. But I still recommend reading stuff other online content from time to time.
I really don't like to read. I am a person who is so lazy in reading. I am more into watching videos than reading. I have a difficulty remembering words on my head so I think I am not effective at reading.
I used to read a lot of books, but right now I don't have a lot of time in my schedule, so I chose to just give up reading and watch movies/series instead, and also I can't give up gaming.