Do you like the 3D feature in the 3DS?


New Member
Nov 18, 2014
I personally can't play with it constantly for more than 15 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I can see how people can appreciate it and all, and I love the features that the Nintendo 3DS has brought with it, but I don't think Nintendo has nailed its 3D technology as of now.

I get eye strain using the 3D for too long, so that shows why I don't like it that much. I've heard some games like Pokemon X & Y are pretty good in it, but I haven't tried it out for myself.

Do you think the 3D is good enough right now, or does it seriously need a lot of work to be done?
I tried it when I first got the 3DS, I actually couldn't get it to work. I don't really have an opinion of it, after I first tried it I never saw the need for the 3D when I played so I never turned it back on.
I use the 3D feature at times. I know people who leave it on all the time, use it occasionally, or don't bother to turn it on. Some games are better with 3D, while other games do not work very well with the 3D function.

I've heard some games like Pokemon X & Y are pretty good in it, but I haven't tried it out for myself.

That's weird. I heard that Pokemon doesn't work well with the 3D feature on the 3DS. I guess it depends on the kind of Pokemon game. Overall, I think the 3D feature is fine, but I guess it could use some improvement. I just turn it on whenever I feel the need to. To each their own, I guess.
I don't really like the 3D feature of the 3DS. I just like how sturdy and more handle-savvy it is compared to the 2DS. It's the one thing I don't think I've ever been a cheapskate about but I also think that the 3D feature in the 3Ds system could be immensely improved upon.
Nope, I never use it. No matter what level I have it at I'm always left feeling dizzy after 5 minutes. It's nothing against the system, I just don't do well with 3D. I'd pay for a stripped down version with no 3D as long as it folds unlike the 2DS. The 2DS is something I would want because it doesn't have 3D at all. The problem is it's basically a big brick which ruins the point of the DS line for me. It's not necessary to me. In fact it's kind of a headache.
Personally I feel that it's much more of a gimmick than anything, the 3D effect doesn't apply to all graphics in the game, and also doesn't directly influence the gameplay experience. I'd be more than happy with a Nintendo 2DS for much cheaper.
I've never used the 3D feature for longer than 15 seconds, I only use it to look what a game or part of it looks like in 3D. The idea was great when it was introduced, but I never actually saw it as a cool feature. The new games are just better, because the 3DS has better specs than the normal DS.
I've read that you have to adjust your vision or something to enjoy this feature so I turn it off for my younger sibling. I use the 3D function in Street Fighter but never on Tekken 3DS. I occasionally turn it on to see the effect on other games (like for the intro sequence and game menu for Dead or Alive Dimensions...ooh waves). Some games are like "Cool 3D!" and for others it's useless like "That's it?". With fast paced games (like Tekken), it's not great. It makes me dizzy so mostly it's turned off for me. Hmm...I've never checked how 3D looks like in Persona Q.
It's really impressive in some games and I like to check it out with each game I can. It's pretty much impossible to do so when you have any sort of movement going on though and I honestly don't think it's very well optimized for most games, which is a serious bummer. I know when I got my 3DS with Pilotwings it blew my mind how cool it looked and I played it almost exclusively in 3D mode, but the effect feels pretty shoehorned in with a lot of games.
I personally never use it. 3D just seems to give me a headache. I only got the 3DS to play a few certain games that were only available on the 3DS.
I always have the 3D on my 3DS on full blast. I rarely find it beneficial, but I like that it's there. (I'm one of the few people who uses my 3D TV regularly as well)
I could go both ways. After using 3D for a long time my eyes start to strain, which I don't like. However, until then, the effect is pretty nice and adds to the games that I'm playing. Games that only have 3D cutscenes and such (Like Pokemon) are the games I like best on a 3DS, because you're not constantly having to look at the 3D which causes eye strain.
I really understand you guys when you say that the 3D feature strains your eyes. That's a huge issue for me. I never play with the 3D feature on, and none of the games I play, Pokemon and Rune Factory, rely on that feature. Sometimes, the FPS on Pokemon will even lag if I turn the 3D on by accident. The 3D part is not very appealing to me. It's too bad that the 2DS can't fold like the 3DS does, or else I would have gotten that instead.
To be honest, I only turn it on whenever I get a new game just to find out what pops up in 3D! :p Besides that its kind of annoying to have to look at the screen at a certain angle. Of course I enjoy the feature, its nice to have to there once in a while.
It makes my eyes feel really tired, so I rarely use it. Sometimes I pop it on for fun just so I feel like getting a 3DS instead of a 2DS wasn't a waste lol For the most part though, if a game looks great in 3D (Fire Emblem!) I put it on minimum 3D (where the slider is just above the off setting) which usually means I can tolerate it for longer.
It's a fun feature so I occasionally use it while in a Pokemon fight, a downside of it is that you have to sit around
20 cm away from the screen which makes it uncomfortable staying in exact that position. I often lay down while playing on it so I can't use it in any position at all. After a while it makes me dizzy so I don't use it that often anyway. It's a neat gadget to show your friends or just use it in a thrilling cut-scene.
I've got terrible eyes, so I can't use it much. I do turn it on during cutscenes in games - provided that there's an option for 3D - but beyond that, I don't use the feature. I tried it a lot when I first got my 3DS, but that was when I had already been wearing glasses and the strain it caused my eyes was too much. I still love the system, don't get me wrong, but I figure I could live without the 3D feature.
I hate it, it hurts my eyes. I also hate 3d movies though, so I am a bit biased. I am very glad you can turn it off, as otherwise, the system is great and I thoroughly enjoy it. I wish everyone would just abandon the while 3d thing and sink that money into VR R+D.
I enjoy the 3D offered by the Nintendo system, but I definitely can't game with it for too long. I find it interesting that they were able to make it work though. I also enjoyed sliding it between 3D and 2D and watching things change.

I think they did the 3D well, but our eyes simply aren't used to it. Advanced technology will probably make the 3D better, but it's likely to become equivalent to the 8-bit of our society now. Generic, a bit sloppy, but a classic.

I think that 3D technology needs to be more common before it will be really common place though. Personally, I find both 3D games and 3D movies a bit nauseating to watch. However, It is likely because I am not used to 3D.

Now that I think about it, I am pretty curious how they made things 3D in the first place. I'll have to look it up sometime.
No, I absolutely don't like it at all. I think it's a fun little gimmick and not much more, which seems to be Nintendo's shtick lately. See the Wii U with it's weird tablet controller, said 3DS with it's 3D gimmick, and earlier, the Wii with it's unique controllers, which actually worked out fine.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for innovation, but I don't really understand the appeal of the new Nintendo systems (other than their fantastic games, of course!).