Do you think games are worth their current retail price?

I don't like pirating games. If I am not able to buy the game, I won't play it until I do. Besides, many games go for very cheap on Steam in a year or so since it's been released, so why not just wait and play it when you are able to buy it? Most games are not worth the full price, that's why you wait for sales and then buy them. There are games that are cheap but good. Don't Starve is one of them.
I don't agree with you niiro17 on this one. I don't care about the crew needed to make a game, that's the producer's problem. I actually made video games by myself, and that included programming 2D/3D graphics, physics, networking and sound. Now, if those games are good or bad doesn't really matter because a lot of the games out there, that we pay top dollar for, are pretty bad. With programs is the same story. You hear a program runs twice as fast as its predecessor and when you check the requirements, it needs twice or four times the amount of memory the older version needed. If you think about it, that doesn't makes sense, does it? The bottom line is, we have to stop falling for these cheap marketing strategies and start thinking a bit before we buy something. Things have to change and the buyer needs to take a stand, because you can bet the producers and developers won't.
To be honest, I think the price is justified. The amount of work the developers put into their games is to be recognized. For new Indie games and such, this allows them to pay for even more games to be created. But sometimes, being charged 100$ for a game can take a toll on your wallet.
I reckon the prices are worth it as, the costs has to be covered and the retailer has to make money or profit to see the game and it takes time and thinking to make a game. There is a lot of work and setting the polygons of the character and how they move and act while playing and trying to make it so there is less bugs encountered in the game. It may get discounted as, if you are a member may get discounts of the game when paying the full price and games do cost promotions as well and marketing so needs to be priced well to cover the costs.
I don't think they're worth it. But it's a business. If I have something you want and I know I can get you to pay top dollar because of the hype, then that's what I charge. Personally, I wait till a game has been out for a while. I don't need to have any game on day one. But that's just me. If you enjoy the game what does it matter what you pay. People spend a lot of money on their hobbies and passions that others would say is a waste of money. It's your money, have fun.