Over the past few years, Nintendo has tried to cultivate the Wii brand. First with the Wii. Then with the successor, the Wii U. So after two system cycles, do you think Nintendo will continue with the Wii name or try to go a new route?
I agree. I mean I get that nintendo wanted a cool name for the console, but I think that they can come up with something much better than the Wii for their next one, if they decide to do so. I honestly don't think that anyone would be upset with changing the name!It is awkward saying Wii. I have been in a situation a few times at work where friends and I would be talking about going to play the Wii at my house after work, and rumors soon sparked about friends coming to my house to smoke weed after work. I guess it had a lot to do with the fact that we worked in plant where you had to wear earplugs all the time (LOUD MACHINERY), so hearing the word Wii to someone who doesn't game and is eavesdropping sounds an awful lot like weed. Needless to say, the rumors were not pleasant and made work a bit uncomfortable.