Does the influx of younger games disturb you?

The influx of younger gamers is somewhat concerning to me. I'm all for gamer involvement, and I personally think that a good game like a good book can relate to people of all ages. That being said, some games have specific ratings for good reason. Furthermore, with the ease that data is shared and transferred the online community is a very, varied place. You'll by nature have tweens who sneak in and just accept the game ratings, or maybe change their date of birth to pass the test. That said I think parents need to do more to regulate what their kids are doing.

Of course, everything I said is a big hypocrisy because I've been online gaming from I was twelve, and I came out all right. But I think that I'm more the minority.
That's one issue that I didn't really respond to. The exchange of information is all too free in online games. I've had kids ask for help, and I go to help, and then they're telling me their life stories. I instantly go into "mom mode" and tell them that they shouldn't be telling people they don't know all that information. Pretty scary stuff. I think parents need to do their part, but game companies do too (and take reports of bad behavior more seriously).
By the title I thought the poster was talking about the video games themselves but now I see he was talking about young gamers. Well it is all up to the parents and guardians as to what their children play. A lot of teens below the age of 17 play games that are rated mature 17+ and I think these games can influence them in a negative way.
By the title I thought the poster was talking about the video games themselves but now I see he was talking about young gamers. Well it is all up to the parents and guardians as to what their children play. A lot of teens below the age of 17 play games that are rated mature 17+ and I think these games can influence them in a negative way.

Yeah, but it's also about how an influx of youngster gamers can influence a game, or more accurately, its community. Youngsters that act out in a setting where there are few rules (or no enforcement of rules) can drive away older gamers, in time. If there is a ridiculous amount of obnoxiousness, cussing, if there are racial slurs, and other ugly behavior, older members (by age and by seniority) may leave a game because of it.

That's not to say that younger players are the only ones who behave badly though...