Favorite Moddable Games


New Member
Sep 21, 2015
What is your favorite moddable game? Skyrim is one of my favorite RPGs of all time, and even moreso when mods are added. I have no less than 25 running at any given time, and that's not counting the quality-of-life mods, such as community patches and the optimizations available. I choose mods that give the game more realism, customization options, and immersion. The vanilla Skyrim performs decently, but it is nothing compared to the world you can craft from dungeon and graphic mods.

The modding community is what coerced me to become a PC gamer. The amount of options and replayability that PC mods can give is unrivalled. So, what does everyone else think? What game do you love to mod?
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I really like Banished. It's a game where you start with just a few people and have to build a town. The base game doesn't really have that much, but with the mod Colonial Charter, it's really awesome. I like all the content the mod adds. I got it from steam during the summer sale.
The Battlefield series has a huge and very talented modding community.
Skyrim. Love all the mods you can throw in to make the world a bizarre wonderland. I also like Europa Universalis' mods, assuming you can get them working. There are a few for expanding the game far beyond the 400ish years you're normally allotted, and some mods completely change the game world. Makes an already infinitely-replayable game even moreso.
@guruproto I think you hit the nail right on the head with Skyrim, and that's my pick for sure. I've never modded myself outside of a few custom skins in Star Wars: Jedi Academy. I actually loved downloading user-made levels for that game, it really stretched out my enjoyment of it for sure.
Back in the bad old nineties, I was fairly impressed by the variety of the mods for DOOM: Aliens DOOM, Star Wars DOOM, even (unfortunately) porno DOOM, etc. Basically, think of something you would rather be running around and shooting at than demons and you have the premise for a DOOM mod! And, of course, more recently there's the ultra-violent Brutal DOOM project--because I guess the original wasn't nearly violent enough for some!

I'm similarly impressed by the mods for classic games within the Super Mario Bros franchise--trying to make them more challenging and what have you. I wouldn't be surprised if those unsanctioned Super Mario Bros mods played a role in inspiring Nintendo to roll out Super Mario Level Marker as an official product to properly capitalize on that trend!