Favourite N64 game?

It's tough to narrow it down to just one favorite N64 game. As I spent most of my time playing multi-player games on my N64 as opposed to single player games. I'd have to choose one of Goldeneye 007, Wave Race 64 or Mario Kart. My friends and I put in some serious hours playing all three games.

If pushed and I had to choose only one favorite N64 game, I'd go with Goldene 007. Oddjob was a beast!

How many of you still own your original N64?
I've never had the opportunity to play on an original N64, so I can't exactly say which game I liked the most, since my experience was only through Wii homebrew emulators, though I really enjoyed Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart, I played them with a Wii Nunchuk and controller, and it was a lot of fun, even though I couldn't use an original controller and console.
Paper Mario is the one. No doubts. It was just so cool to me. There were some awesome side kicks and the story was nice. There were side characters that were actually relevant for more than one chapter. I also loved the way they played with the paper mechanics. It was a great game.
I know this might be a popular choice, but my favorite was GoldenEye. I can remember just spending hours upon hours playing multiplayer with whoever I could find. I think I even played a round of GoldenEye with my mom once or twice.

WWE No Mercy was also a favorite of mine. The matches could go on for hours if two really good people were playing. The Royal Rumble was always fun too.
Star Fox 64 for sure. I played that game over and over so many times after beating it. I never could get enough of that game for some reason. Going from the easy route to the hard route, trying to keep all of my team mates together till the end.

Super Mario 64 was another one that is a very close second. So much hours you could put into that game and you would still have so much to do.
Oh man I remember the era of the N64 and the PS1 what a time that was in my life. I think that the best games that were on that console were Super Smash brother, Star Fox, All the Mario Parties, Mario Karts and Diddy Kong racing. I really liked to play those games and they were the games that I spent the most time on the console playing especially Super Smash Brothers.
Golden Eye was the best game for N64 in my opinion. I have tons of memories of playing against my friends and just messing around in it. The original smash brothers was great too, it really got the competitive spirit in my neighborhood going!
Favorite N64 game is either Golden Eye 007 or Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Basically depended on my mood. I didn't think they could top off Mario 64 when it was released !
I think I spent more time playing Diddy Kong Racing though versus any other N64 game. Beating the final boss, the Whiz Pig took me so many tries. And then you had to face him in a much harder course later on in the game. It didn't end there. Then there were times to beat that were nearly impossible if you made one mistake on the course. It wasn't my favorite game but it drew me in just because it was so difficult.
I could sit and play Tetrisphere for hours. That game was addicting. Then, Star fox was a closes second. I really like 007 Goldeneye. There was just something about that gold gun!
Goldeneye 64 has to be the best N64 game in my opinion. It was the first FPS multi-player game I've ever experienced and I've had a blast playing it for months with my friends! A close second has to be Smash Bros. These games were so revolutionary!
Tough to narrow down but have to go with the one I played the most hours on, Goldeneye 007. Taking a rough guess, I probably played the single player mode for about 250 hours, and then multi-player with friends about 500 hours. Definitely my most played game ever!
I didn't play a whole lot of N64. I was more of a Playstation gamer during that generation. There were a few games that I recall playing with fondness, Mario 64 was great, but really the only game I spent a significant amount of time playing was Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I'm not even sure that I ever beat the game.
Super Smash Bros without a doubt is my favorite. That goes for Gamecube as well. I spent hours playing both. My second favorite is probably Banjo & Tooie. The multi player games are a blast, especially the shooter ones.
Majora's Mask was my favorite game. It was intense, deep and amazing, and to this day I still replay it every year. It has aged well, in my opinion, although it always disappointed me it had so few dungeons compared to Ocarina of Time.

That'd be the only flaw it has, I'd say.
Favorite game is Bajo Kazooie or Banjo Tooie. It is one of the funnest games I have ever played. I recently emulated it and had tons of fun. Everything just fits together with the music gameplay and artstyle. It has tons of original content and is a must play.
I've never owned a N64 myself but I've played a lot at my friends house. My personal favorites have to Super Mario 64 and Golden Eye. The first time I played SM64 it just blew me away being full 3D, having huge interesting levels, excellent music and feeling like there's always something new around the corner. Golden Eye is probably the best multiplayer FPS game I've ever played (I enjoyed the singleplayer also). It was just insane (at the time game came out) 4 player split screen, multiple characters to select, a bunch of levels and weapons it was just awesome.
Super Smash Bros, because it's such a great game that will never ever get old. And Pokemon Stadium, because the minigames were memorable and hilarious and all-around great fun. Plus getting the chance to battle Mewtwo was epic.
I REALLY liked Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. The ability to combine different powers was so much fun that I replayed the game a lot. I had so much fun playing that game. Talking about it has made me kind of want to play it again haha.