FIFA anyone?


New Member
Mar 9, 2015
What about FIFA? I know it's not a very popular game outside Europe, but there are a lot of FIFA players so I was wondering if I can find some fans here. I use to play FIFA from time to time and I remember starting to play this game since I was just a kid. Actually I remember that the oldest FIFA that I played was the '98 edition. Man, the games from that period had some great soundtracks.
Wooo! I absolutely love FIFA Soundtracks, they're always so retro! I'm personally from the Caribbean, but FIFA is pretty big around the world, it just isn't a huge hit in North America, outside of that it's all good. I love the games, although I'm wary of the future. Each year they make the games more and more realistic, and I think they're nearing the boundary. I mean, I like how you have to time a volley instead of just hitting 'O' or 'B' but, player emotions, Injuries? I'm not sure, I don't want it to be so technical. For example, when my friends and I play, if one of our star players get injured we just start over the match. That's because we don't want it to be about luck, we want it to be all about the skill.
Yea, you are right. It is nice to see that much progress, but I think, as you said too, it is too much and it can be annoying some times. For example, I liked FIFA 11 very much, because it lookes great and is pretty straight ralated to the game only.