Free Games on PSN for PS4


Nov 10, 2014
I've been downloading and trying out some free games on PSN for about half a year now and I've been pleasantly surprised with some of them, although honestly they are mostly just simple games but they are still fun nonetheless and they are free which is of course great so I'm not complaining. I'm just bummed when I think about how many free games I probably missed out on since I only started with PSN recently. One of the games I really wanted to catch was the free Tekken game that was released on PSN some years back.

I'd love to know what great free games I have missed out on PSN so please share your discoveries here. :) What have been your favorite PSN free game downloads and discoveries in the past few years?
There was one game that I actually think was a great lineup for the PlayStation Plus Free games and that was Rocket League. Unfortunately for me, they offered that as a PlayStation Plus Free game a month before I got my PlayStation 4 so I ended up missing it. Since then the lineups for the free games have always been absolute crap, to be honest. The only decent game was Just Cause 3 and even that isn't that great. Just one good game like Rocket League a year would keep me happy but Sony don't even do that.
Rogue Company was brilliant (I have the platinum now). A lot of people like Smite too, but I'm not a fan. If you're not worried about platinum, then I'd suggest giving Blacklight a go too.
You can read this ARTICLE to see a lot more video games that are available on Playstation Service Network for Playstation 4. There's so much of them which you can choose from depending on your preferred kind of game.