Game genres


Nov 5, 2014

Didn't see a thread dedicated specifically to genres, that you adore and can't live without. Is it RPG, shooters, driving games, strategy, simulation or what? Me, I am a very versatile gamer: I shoot bad guys from time to time, I drive behind a lambo, smash zombies' heads, build pixelated houses and etc. So what do you play?
I love driving/simulation games so much. If I could only play one genre it would be that. My second favorite would be Minecraft but I don't know what genre that would go in. I love to exercise my building ability on minecraft to see what I can come up with.
I need my moba action, it's such a fun genre and it's amazingly satisfying when you get to destroy the combined efforts 5 other players. Unfortunately the nature of the game leads to a ton of blaming and shaming when your team is losing... still waiting for Devs to come up with a workable fix for that.

I used to think I couldn't live without RPGs but apparently I've outgrown them lately, don't have time with all the growing up I've had to do :( .
I also enjoy playing different genres but the ones that I couldn't live without are: Open world, Survival, Simulations and Indie. The first three ones are my favorite because they make you feel like you're actually there. When a game isn't open world I feel choked and controlled to have to follow the game's progression, hence why I can't live without that genre. Indie's are just awesome and you never know when you will find a gem amongst all the games in development!
I like open-world RPGs and simulations the most. Not so much because they put me myself there, but because they let me invent a character, think of a past and a personality for them, and grow attached. Creating lives and stories in my head is a great point of enjoyment for me for whatever reason, so I don't ever really use those genres as a conduit to channel my own personality...every time I play a new game or a new character, I'm someone new, and I make different decisions based on that. I think trying to think outside of myself in that way is what makes those genres the best for me.

But really, I'm fond of most everything. Platformers are something I'm getting much more experience with now that I have an XBOX controller to use alongside my PC. One genre that I didn't think I'd ever enjoy and ended up falling in love with was the bullet hell shooter (danmaku) style of game. Strategy games like Tower Defense and good old-fashioned battle-of-wits type games such as chess are right up my alley, also. Truthfully, the only genre I can never get into is FPS, and that's a little more because I'm woefully bad at playing those types of games than because I fault their design.
I love the shooting games (whether it is first person shooters or third person shooters, it doesn't matter), because I love the action and the constant high alert, so you don't get shot from behind or that something unexpected doesn't happen and kills you. I also love MMOs, but I don't play them right now, because I don't have enough time for them. Horror games are also on my favorites list, because I'm a horror addict and do/watch/play anything horror related. I love to get scared at something in a game, the creepy atmosphere and explore the unknown. That's why the Amnesia, Doom, S.T.A.L.K.E.R etc. have a special place in my library :D
I like RPGs usually when I play a game I want a good story and the better I can be emersed in that story the better. I want to be transported to that world, to the mind of whatever character I'm playing.
I play many genres as well: FPS (CS:GO), Racing (GRID 2), MOBA (DotA), Fighting (Skullgirls), but a majority of the time they all share one thing in common: multiplayer.

The presence of multiplayer greatly increases the replayability and fun factor of the game, by pitting yourself and beating another live person you feel more satisfaction, and you are more compelled to train harder and play the game more if you lose.
My top favorite genres are RPG/MMORPG, Simulation, and Puzzle games. I like getting myself lost in a world with an interesting story line and lore. I've never been much for shooters, although I did play Duke Nukem, Quake and Tomb Raider back in the day.
I love most of the gaming genres, especially RPG games. They are one of the est genes out there. Any good RPG games like The Witcher and Dragon Age Inquisition is a day 1.
I'm versatile. I like all kinds. I specifically play shooters with my hubby because it's what he likes, but I do enjoy Left 4 Dead. I like co-op games, but when I am playing by myself I like simulation, strategy and puzzle games.
Whatever game suits my wishes at the moment, that's the one I shall like and play. I don't understand why people always write they favor that genre over that genre, it's limiting one's experience of all the wonderful games out there and the awareness to avoid horrible games. However, people believe what they believe, that's what makes the world go round and round.
I don't really prefer a genre, I just play whatever is good, I'm not really genre oriented but if I go over the games I play the most I seem to often end up in simulation and survival games. Occasionally fantasy RPGs if they suit my fancy. I think I like survival games because I don't mind playing one game for a long time, especially if it's good. As for simulation I think I like being able to do things in real life I couldn't normally do in a game, and even sometimes things I could normally do.
I like hack and slash genre the most. When I'm playing a game I prefer the ones that are the least complicated so hack and slash is right up my alley since I mostly just need to follow the path and cut down enemies while performing killer combos. I like many games from other genres too, of course, but this one is just my favorite.
I love simulation and RPG games the most. I find these genres more enjoyable than the rest. For simulation games, though, I only play Sims and Hay day. Never mind the rest. There's just too many new simulation games out there that doesn't even make sense (in my own opinion,) and I'm not liking it.