Good console games for someone returning to gaming?


New Member
May 6, 2015
I used to play video games a lot in the late 90s-mid 2000s before I got too busy with school and work. I feel like I've missed out on a lot and assume with technology improving that there must be some crazy good games out there that I'm missing. The only friends I have that play games play MMORPGs which isn't really my cup of tea.

I figured this was a good general topic to leave open but I'll provide some information about what games I liked in the past if people feel like recommending games specifically for me. I'm a big fan of single player games with good storylines like FF6/FF7, Chrono Trigger and Grandia 2 though it doesn't necessarily have to be an RPG as I really liked the Metal Gear Solid games I played. I don't really get that much into multiplayer stuff.
Well lets see, assuming you've taken a crack at FFX, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2. I'd say you should check out the rebooted Tomb Raider, I have a similar taste in games and I thought that game was crazy good, Far Cry 3 was amazing, 4 wasn't bad either but for some reason I can't pin, it didn't hook me in like FC3. Mortal Kombat 9 and 10 are absolutely amazing, and I'm not typically a big fighting game fan. Metro Last light was really good as well... Dark Souls 1 & 2 (hard games, but fun if you like sticking it out) Bloodborne, Darksiders 1 + 2. I'll just leave it at that for now, don't want to list a completely overwhelming amount or anything.
Thanks for the suggestions. I wouldn't worry about overwhelming me. I appreciate having lots of options.

I actually heard Dark Souls 2 was great. I'm all about hard games since I'm looking to pass time so really easy games always seem like a waste of money to me. It's an RPG right? One of my old roommates used to talk about the story being good which is definitely a plus.

I should probably check out the latest Mortal Kombat game. If anything, it's probably worth a look just for the nostalgia. I think one of my friends has it so I wouldn't have to rent it or anything. Maybe I'll go over there and play it over the weekend.
I think hack and slash games are very easy to get into so you might want to look into the good ones like DMC and god of war. I personally enjoy these a lot because the learning curve isn't that high and you don't have to focus too much to get to the end. After that you could move onto more complex games.
I am not sure if you are a casual gamer and what your interests are but my own personal favorite genres are platformers, open-world games and sports games. All three genres lend themselves to both casual and more hardcore gamers and all can be picked up and played for short periods of time.
Which consoles do you own currently? Any recommendations I can make depend on the system, but if you have a PS2/3 you could try picking up Persona 3 or 4. Both are great JRPGs featuring a pretty lengthy plot, good writing, fun gameplay, and interesting game mechanics. Also, the art style is one of my favorites.
I think hack and slash games are very easy to get into so you might want to look into the good ones like DMC and god of war. I personally enjoy these a lot because the learning curve isn't that high and you don't have to focus too much to get to the end. After that you could move onto more complex games.

That's a really good suggestion. I used to play Diablo and Diablo 2 a lot so unless I'm mistaken, I have a little experience with hack and slash games. A low learning curve would be great starting out because I haven't really played a lot of complicated console games.

I am not sure if you are a casual gamer and what your interests are but my own personal favorite genres are platformers, open-world games and sports games. All three genres lend themselves to both casual and more hardcore gamers and all can be picked up and played for short periods of time.

I'm definitely a casual gamer and really into sports. I love baseball and would honestly play a good baseball game fairly regularly. I already know about MLB: The Show which would probably scratch that itch if I decide to get a Playstation.

Do you have a good suggestion for a platformer?

Which consoles do you own currently? Any recommendations I can make depend on the system, but if you have a PS2/3 you could try picking up Persona 3 or 4. Both are great JRPGs featuring a pretty lengthy plot, good writing, fun gameplay, and interesting game mechanics. Also, the art style is one of my favorites.

I don't have any current gen systems. My console collections is Dreamcast, N64, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Xbox, and Xbox 360 (don't have any games for this as it was given to me by a friend who upgraded.)

Playstation 2s are pretty cheap now so I could definitely pick one up to play the Persona games. I like the few JRPGs I played from back in the day so that seems totally worth it.
That's a really good suggestion. I used to play Diablo and Diablo 2 a lot so unless I'm mistaken, I have a little experience with hack and slash games. A low learning curve would be great starting out because I haven't really played a lot of complicated console games.

Games today are definitely way more complex, even I get tired of having to think of all the buttons I have to press sometimes lol. I don't think diablo is close to hack and slash games though, I think this particular genre is closer to the beat-em-up genre in the 2d era, but yeah it does have a lot less of a learning curve than most other types of modern games.
I think this one is going to have to be your own choice really. Consoles and games can be expensive these days so I'd probably go to the shops and try a few out before you spend your hard earned cash on any of them.

You can get games from all genre's on most consoles these days so I guess just go with what games you used to like playing the most.
Let's see, games that are retro that you want to play to start you back up with video game addition... Someone else has probably mentioned this but if you've played FF6/FF7, then I would highly recommend you playing Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. It's Disney-esque but has the FF that you're looking for. It's a great game and can definitely get you back into the realm of addition.

Obviously, playing games that you're already into and have is the best bet, too. Pure nostalgia can help you get back into things. So playing games that are extremely retro like Spyro or Doom should definitely kick up your need for video games. I would recommend that as time progresses that you should definitely work on getting newer consoles as it can be beneficial.
Games today are definitely way more complex, even I get tired of having to think of all the buttons I have to press sometimes lol. I don't think diablo is close to hack and slash games though, I think this particular genre is closer to the beat-em-up genre in the 2d era, but yeah it does have a lot less of a learning curve than most other types of modern games.

I wasn't sure if Diablo was a little complex/had too many RPG elements to count as hack and slash but it was what popped in my mind. I did play tons of beat-em-up games as a kid though and always had fun. It sounds like this is a genre of games I could be interested in checking out. I'll have to look up the games you mentioned when I get a console soon.

Let's see, games that are retro that you want to play to start you back up with video game addition... Someone else has probably mentioned this but if you've played FF6/FF7, then I would highly recommend you playing Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. It's Disney-esque but has the FF that you're looking for. It's a great game and can definitely get you back into the realm of addition.

Obviously, playing games that you're already into and have is the best bet, too. Pure nostalgia can help you get back into things. So playing games that are extremely retro like Spyro or Doom should definitely kick up your need for video games. I would recommend that as time progresses that you should definitely work on getting newer consoles as it can be beneficial.

I've heard Kingdom Hearts was good but do you have to be a Disney fan to get into them? I'm not really outside of nostalgia and I don't know that nostalgia will make me want to play through a video game. I wish I knew someone who had it so I could try one out because I could be completely missing out.
I would actually pick up where you left off. You said you played Metal Gear Solid. Why don't you play all of the sequels until you get to the current release? I wish I had done that. That way you can get caught up slowly.
I would actually pick up where you left off. You said you played Metal Gear Solid. Why don't you play all of the sequels until you get to the current release? I wish I had done that. That way you can get caught up slowly.

That's a good idea. Since your at it, you might as well work your way from the original Hitman to the current release. There are a bunch of games you can work your way up with. Might as well get in touch with how games have evolved over the years.
I would actually pick up where you left off. You said you played Metal Gear Solid. Why don't you play all of the sequels until you get to the current release? I wish I had done that. That way you can get caught up slowly.

That is a good idea. I played the first two and they're on what, the fifth? I'm a really big fan of the series so it'd be cool to see where it went. I haven't really heard much about the later games because nobody I know really plays them anymore. It'd probably be a decently cheap route to go as well.
That's a really good suggestion. I used to play Diablo and Diablo 2 a lot so unless I'm mistaken, I have a little experience with hack and slash games. A low learning curve would be great starting out because I haven't really played a lot of complicated console games.

I'm definitely a casual gamer and really into sports. I love baseball and would honestly play a good baseball game fairly regularly. I already know about MLB: The Show which would probably scratch that itch if I decide to get a Playstation.

Do you have a good suggestion for a platformer?

I don't have any current gen systems. My console collections is Dreamcast, N64, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Xbox, and Xbox 360 (don't have any games for this as it was given to me by a friend who upgraded.)

Playstation 2s are pretty cheap now so I could definitely pick one up to play the Persona games. I like the few JRPGs I played from back in the day so that seems totally worth it.
There are a ton of really good platformers to choose from, among them Jax & Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet & Clank and LittleBigPlanet. If I were to just recommend the one series, I'd definitely go with Jax & Daxter. All three games were remastered in HD and can picked up for about $15. An incredible steal.