Have you ever finish GTA game?


New Member
Sep 28, 2018
I am always laze and impatient to finish this game. How about you? Does it fulfilling?
I am always laze and impatient to finish this game. How about you? Does it fulfilling?
I tried to play Grand Mafia Crime Chicago Street,though, I had to pretend I'm a bald head in black undershirt and a yellow pants. How I wish I can opt it into a female. I know it is like a real life crime and women should not get involved. But anyways, I enjoyed playing it for about a week or two. However, I was stuck in a mission where I need to get the tank on top of a rock hill which I don't have any idea how reach it after trying it for a thousand of time. I even done a research how to survive on that mission but until now I haven't found it. Do you know how to? :rolleyes:
GTA games are the best as long as you are looking for a game that is going to keep you busy. I have played the mafia kings and it is a game that I will want to play another time too.
The first Grand Theft Auto game I ever played was Grand Theft Auto III, and I think it’s the only GTA game that I never actually completed. I was something like 9 years old at the time, and I just didn’t have the attention span to go through every single level and play the game to completion.

That being said, I completed every GTA game afterwards, including the incredibly long and boring GTA V. I can’t say that I 100% completed them (I mean, who has time for all those collectibles and stunt jumps?) but I completed the main/side stories at least.