HD DVD player


Nov 7, 2014
Did you buy a red ray HD DVD player add on for the xbox 360? I'm glad I didn't. What a waste. Do you think the KINECT could end up as another waste of money?
I never bought one, but I was on the brink of getting one. I waited out to see which format would win, and Blu-Ray obviously won. Although, HD DVDs still could've been used for games, because the format allows for up to 15 GB of storage, almost double of that of the current DL DVDs the Xbox 360 used at the time. But because Blu-Ray can store up to 50 GB of data, it's obviously a lot better than current DVD technology.
I wouldn't even bother to get an HD DVD addon, most movies are bluray. I don't think the kinect is a waste of money. It has some cool features with it. It only is a waste of money when you don't have the space to use it.
I wouldn't even bother to get an HD DVD addon, most movies are bluray. I don't think the kinect is a waste of money. It has some cool features with it. It only is a waste of money when you don't have the space to use it.

I was talking about when the HD DVD drive was first released. RED and BLU ray was neck and neck until Walmart said that will only carry Blu ray. I almost bought a HD player, but I bought a cheap one just for movies. Thank God I didn't drop the cash for that toaster.