Hidden Object: Criminal Crimes


New Member
May 7, 2015
When it comes to mobile games, I tend to go straight to Hidden Object-related games. There's something about using a handheld touch screen that makes these games worth while. Right now, I am playing a wonderful Hidden Objects game called Criminal Crimes. You take the role of a Police Officer and Detective and solve crimes by earning stars with each scene that is presented to you. The stars that you earn allows you to talk to suspects, examine objects and overall keep the game going.

Scenes can be pretty brutal and intense, so for those who are a bit queasy, I recommend not playing the game as it truly does love the sight of blood and some of the crime plots that they use are very "real".

In addition, Hidden Object games tend to always have an energy bar that allows them to play a certain amount at given times. In comparison to other Hidden Object games, the energy bar filled up fairly quickly in this one and you're able to play it multiple times a day rather than once or twice!

Do you play this game? If you don't, would you now? It truly is a nice game to take your mind off of every day life for a few minutes.
I really like criminal case. I play that sucker every day. I really hate how you have to wait so long for analysis sometimes! But it's still fun and I always work to get either gold, silver or bronze in each scene.
I have to say though, I really hate the additional investigations sometimes. I feel like they just drag some things out and it drives me bonkers!
I've seen this game in the App Store quite a bit... but never played. It comes up sometimes when I look for things like Maniac Mansion/Clue. Is it anything like those? Or are they more like Where's Waldo/Find It books?
I've also seen this game in the app store and I also know a lot of people that play it, and they love it. I think if your into that sort of game then this will be right up your street.

I'm not much of a game player on mobile so that a probably the main reason I haven't given it a go.
I think it has a bit of a Clue type feel.
In the game, each level there is a murder. You must do the hidden object scenes to find clues and leads into who murdered them. There are also little mini games in which you dust for fingerprints or find blood samples. At the end of the level you have all the leads as to whom the killer is and you must choose from your line up who needs to be arrested.