How much time do you spend for mobile gaming?


Nov 8, 2014
I don't spend a lot of time gaming on my mobile phone, because I rather play games on my computer or a console; there are larger screens available for those two. But I still enjoy playing games on my mobile phone and I spend about half an hour to an hour playing games on my phone everyday (if I have any classes where it is boring :D). How about your mobile gaming?
I spend a lot of time on my phone. I would rather be on my PC but I only have one and my husband uses it for work. If he is not on it the kids are so my PC time is limited.
I spend about an hour a week playing mobile games on my iPod touch, on average. Sometimes, I play around two hours per week. Usually I play mobile games when I'm on break during class or I want to take a break from homework without getting up from my desk, haha. Either way, playing mobile games is a nice way to kill some time.
I'd say maybe 20 minutes a day? That if I have enough battery on iPhone, I use social networks way too much.
I play on my phone during my breaks at work. This would be anywhere from 5-30 minutes. In total, I'd say I spend around an hour more or less playing on my phone every day. Any more than that and I get real bored.
I play for about a few minutes each day. I like playing a few rounds of my favorite game I short bursts, most of the time while I watch TV. Sometimes I'll play for longer if I'm in the mood to play a bit before going to bed, but usually I try not to because I just end up going overboard and getting way past my original planned bed time.
Probably only 10-20 minutes at a time, and only when I feel like it during my daily commute. Otherwise I would just browse the web. I would much rather play games on my PC instead.
I check in on my games in the morning before I get up, and at night before I sleep - so maybe 30 min/day tops. The rest of the day I spend working, running errands, doing house work or playing my PC games.
Plants vs. Zombies and other touch screen games are more fun on mobile. It is also faster. I thought it would be better on an ipad, but it's not. The small screen is actually ideal for quick movements.
Since I've grown addicted to this mobile game called "Clash of Clans," I spend a lot of time playing it. So, if I'll count the hours, it would probably be 2-4 hours a day. Or probably more than that. Because that's just an estimate, though. I'm just so addicted to the game.
I usually just play on my phone when there is nothing else to do, maybe around half an hour to an hour a day. The reason for this is I find there are better stuff to do when there is a console or computer available, and they are much funner imo. I usually play on the bus and at night.
My mobile phone games are used when traveling or to kill time while out somewhere. Thanks to that, I generally get a good three to four hours from that. I also sometimes use it as a way to get some sleep. Gaming til' I sleep definitely tuckers me out. In total after that though? I probably do mobile gaming somewhere around eight to nine hours a week.
I would say about 30-40 minutes a day on average? I didn't used to play that many mobile games until sometime last year when I discovered Angry Bird: Now I'd say I'm a fairly avid mobile-gamer, and I play so many games regularly (Temple Run 2, Magic Piano, 2048 etc.)!
That really depends on how I feel at the moment. Sometimes I don't play at all and some times I have intense mobile gaming sessions that can last 45mins to an hour. I usually play games on my PC but sometimes I play on my phone. Sometimes I won't even game on my phone for a week or two. That's almost always because either I have too much work to do or I'm playing more on my PC.
Typically, I play on my phone when ever I get a spare minute. When ever I get bored really. I have solitaire, two zombie killing games, clash of clans, and tiny dice dungeon. Keeps me busy and happy. I
No more than 10 to 15 minutes usually. I tend to only game mobile only when I'm out of the house and I got time to spare in whatever matter I'm dealing with. Although there are certain games I'm fond of playing mobile, I try to not spend too long in them. I treat them a kind of the spur of the moment thing if anything. The rest of the time is used for browsing the internet or watching random videos in a typical day mostly.
I used to play few hours for mobile gaming.
However, I am really busy this year and my phone runs out of space, so I have to delete those games. Therefore, I don't really play many mobile games this year...
Not too much, I only play on my smartphone at school during the breaks or boring classes. I can play a game for weeks without getting bored of it. I'd say a total of 30 minutes a day at most. Not a big fan of it, and also my phone can't support some of the newer games. (it can't even run Clash of Clans)