How old were you when you started playing video games?


Oct 18, 2022
I started playing video games when I was still a kid at the age of 5 years. My kid brother started playing at the age of 3 because I already left so many games at his wake.
I was atleast 6 years old when I started playing videogames and till date I am still a video game lover.
It was 7 years for me when I started playing video games. Since then till now, I haven't stopped playing video games. I've only taken a break once in 2004. It was the only year I didn't play a single game.
It was when I got into high school that I started playing video games. I couldn't afford them when I was a kid because we had financial crisis when I was a kid. I had to give up gaming.
I started playing video game when I was about 8 years old or 9 years old, I'm not specific but I know that I was still a child when I was started playing video game. Since then, I've never stopped playing video game playing.

Video game is more like a hobby and that is the reason why I enjoy doing it so much.
I started playing video game when I was 11 years old. I don't know all the rules and the navigation to take but I used to follow our neighbour's friend to play the game. I have been playing for about 15 years now and it has been my hobby ever since.
I am not very sure if I remember it correctly but I think it should be around the age of 8 years that I started playing video games because that is when I can remember vividly some of the games that I played at that age.