League of legends?


New Member
Mar 9, 2015
Anyone here play League of Legends? It's currently one of the most popular games worldwide and I would be ashamed if none of you guys played it.

Post your Ranks and name below so many perhaps we could get a game together :)
I don't play this game but I've been checking out some tournament footage on youtube which I find very interesting. I have a bit of trouble understanding where all the damage is coming from since I don't know the characters and their powers, and also team fights look a bit too chaotic for someone unfamiliar but like I said it's still very entertaining.
Leage of legends is for children, it is by far NOT the most popular game worldwide as it is well surpassed by Dota and HoN. leage of legends took the professionalism and the true competitiveness out of DotA and HoN and produced a game where kids can play. If I play LoL I dominate the team, never get killed and make a support a carry. this is somthing that is not easily done in DotA or HoN.

But to learn the mechanics of the games League of Legends is a good start.
Leage of legends is for children, it is by far NOT the most popular game worldwide as it is well surpassed by Dota and HoN. leage of legends took the professionalism and the true competitiveness out of DotA and HoN and produced a game where kids can play. If I play LoL I dominate the team, never get killed and make a support a carry. this is somthing that is not easily done in DotA or HoN.

But to learn the mechanics of the games League of Legends is a good start.

Oh yes, you can definitely dominate people in LoL, but unless you consistently dominate people in Ranked, then your anecdotal evidence is just...anecdotal. LoL is extremely popular, I'm not sure where you're getting your stats in saying it's surpassed by DotA 2 and HoN (HoN is almost dead now).


and this site:


It is certainly true that DotA 2 tournament winners make more money than League but League of Legends has far more players than DotA 2.

As well, DotA (the original) is for all intents and purposes, dead now.
Leage of legends is for children, it is by far NOT the most popular game worldwide as it is well surpassed by Dota and HoN. leage of legends took the professionalism and the true competitiveness out of DotA and HoN and produced a game where kids can play. If I play LoL I dominate the team, never get killed and make a support a carry. this is somthing that is not easily done in DotA or HoN.

But to learn the mechanics of the games League of Legends is a good start.
I think you're just salty. League of Legends is the largest game right now. DotA 2 has about 13 million - 21 million users per month; League has over 300 million.
Played it and don´t really like it. I got lucky and got into the Heroes of the Storm alpha and find many of the rules just better for a multiplayer game. The community of LOL is absolutely poison, and as soon as your team starts to lose, everyone just goes crazy on each other and the game spirals out of control quickly.
I used to play it, and I'm not really good at it. That community doesn't seem too welcoming to new players either, so I just quit playing after level 2 or 3.
I have played League on and off over the past year or so. I'm a fan sometimes, and other times I can't stand the game. It really depends on my mood, but it can provide a few hours of fun when you're fancying that type of game. ;)
i do play LOL, though i havent in a grand while.

im max lev, and my name is "brunwald"

ive never really cared about rank though.

i love long distance people like ziggs, hes my favorite.
Not only do I play it but I have become a bit obsessed with the game according to my brother. There's just something about League though that lets me just sort of puts me in the zone while playing. I'm a casual player right now but I have thought about possibly playing somewhat more competitively.

I usually play top lane but I can do anything but jungle right now. If anyone wants to add me on LoL, my username is the same as on these forums (MariusCat).
I used to play it on a daily basis, I got to Plat S3, and Diamond S4. Right now I'm sitting on Plat III since I'm dreading the grind, but I'm sure I'll eventually get to it.

I main mid lane with support and top being my other options. I can't stand having to be the AD carry, since my preferred ADC isn't FOTM right now.

Leage of legends is for children, it is by far NOT the most popular game worldwide as it is well surpassed by Dota and HoN. leage of legends took the professionalism and the true competitiveness out of DotA and HoN and produced a game where kids can play. If I play LoL I dominate the team, never get killed and make a support a carry. this is somthing that is not easily done in DotA or HoN.

But to learn the mechanics of the games League of Legends is a good start.
You must not read any news about player base numbers, because LoL is clearly at the top. DoTA 2 is a great game, but saying that league is for children seems a little childish itself. While the item build path in LoL is very similar across champions and roles, the game requires much more than just "mechanics", although I guess it depends on your definition of mechanics. I would like to see this domination of yours at high level competitive play. I'm sure your lack of strategy would immediately show in the results. Even if you're a skilled and mechanically competent player, without strategic analysis you will lose every game against someone that simply knows better than you, even if he can't land every skill shot.
I like the MOBA format that League of Legends does. And I certainly like to play against bots, but the one thing that seriously keeps me back from playing it in any meaningful capacity is the fact that I can't get past the community and how they regard newer players, or players attempting to learn. Even in friendly pick up games that don't really have any serious outcomes.
I used to play it two years ago when it was still a new thing among the online games communities. It was fun at the beginning, given I played DotA 1 before, but in time it got boring. The queues didn't help either, they were long and you usually got paired with players of lower skill than yours and the match usually ended with me disappointed. Doubt the playerbase got any better since they gained popularity.
I do play League, as well. I am very new to the game though. My user name is Hybridlullaby. I am only level ten in the game. I am still trying out characters and trying to find out where I fit in, in the game. I tend to prefer attack damage carry characters right now. I am still learning about the items and how to use them properly. If you feel like playing some bot games or helping me out, feel free to add me. I have not played any proper games, yet. I am sticking to bots until I get better.
Never played LOL before, I always stuck with dota 2. Not because I find one game superior to the other mind you, its just that my circle of friends play dota 2 more than they do LOL.
League of Legends was the first MOBA that I ever played. However, many of my friends play Dota 2 so after a lot of convincing, I finally decided to switch over to that game. Since playing for over a month, I realize that Dota 2 is a far more complex game compared to League of Legends. League is fun, but the complexity of Dota 2 makes it more interesting. I think I was silver 3 in League during the 3rd season. But now Dota is taking up most of my time, and if not I play CS:GO which is also extremely fun.

No hate on League of Legends though, it is a well crafted game that is making Riot so much money haha. Good for them!
As someone who started with DotA 1 I think it's more natural that I would progress on to play DotA 2 instead of LoL. Gameplay mechanics aside I'm more fond of DotA 2's graphics than LoL, hence I don't see myself playing it any time soon.
LoL is definetly a good game, I like it way more than Dota 2. Nothing wrong with either of them, I'm just a fan of how LoL's mechanics are easy to learn - hard to master. The only negative thing about LoL is the community, which can be pretty bad, but isn't really as bad as people say.
I used to play League of Legends all the time! But now, I'm starting to play a lot less. For some reason, the game just doesn't seem as fun as it was back then. Maybe it's the community, or I'm just getting bored. The new champion releases are pretty boring too.