Local Multi-player classic game with the most hours played?


Jan 18, 2015
Which classic game do you have the most hours on it playing local multi-player?

Mine is definitely Goldeneye 007. I would estimate I have over 500 hours on that game in 4 player deathmatch alone. I am not sure if I should be proud of this or not!

2nd place would probably be WCW vs NWO World Tour, on the N64 as well. That wrestling series from Aki was legend.
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Mine would be. Tekken. Me and my friends would usually play it until sunrise and it didn't even matter if it got too repetitive as it was always just fun to learn new combos and get winning streaks. From time to time we would even gamble money or a punishment for the losing team or individual.
I will say golden eye on the Nintendo 64. Mario kart will come in second. I love playing with three other people on the Nintendo 64 because it is so much fun and very competitive. James Bond golden eye is amazing and the fun never ends. The only game I never get tired of playing on multiple player.
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Any iteration of Worms is great fun in local co-op. Turn-based games typically lend well to local-coop as it allows for hotseat gaming which means you don't need to worry about the number of controllers or whether or not your computer is up to spec to be playing with that many people.
Tekken 3 and Smash Bros. These two fighting games have stolen hours of my time along with my friends. Both games were pretty enjoyable. Smash Bros. was very fun and chaotic and could support 4 player simultaneous play. Tekken 3 was a more tactical 1 on 1 game. When we got tired of one, we moved on and played the other. Haha! Oh, a special mention here would be the NBA Live games. Pretty awesome to play with friends too.
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Has to be Mario Kart 64. I played so often with my friends that we eventually had gatherings almost every weekend to compete against each other. It was pure fun back then, so we played it mostly for as much as we possibly could. With the eventual release of double dash, we moved to that, but MK64 takes the cake for most played.
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The three games that I played the most with friends offline are Fifa, Goldeneye 007 and Mario 64. I'd actually be kind of scared to figure out the amount of hours we have put in playing Fifa through the years starting with Fifa 95 - that's 20 years of gameplay.
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How old makes a game a classic? I have over 1000 hours logged on Team Fortress 2, which was released in 2007. However, it was under development for 9 years, giving it a older-game feel to me. I also have 200+ hours logged in Pokemon Red for my Gameboy Color and 300+ hours logged on an old Zelda game also on my Gameboy Color.
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Tekken, Smash Bros, Perfect Dark and Golden Eye got a lot of hours clocked on them when I was younger. They weren't really my genres but I had a little brother who was into them.
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I played a lot of Sonic 2 on Genesis with my friends back in the day, and even more when I found out the second player could be Tails in single player. Finding that out made that game a lot easier as a child with bad coordination. I think I may have to replay it some more now that I've remembered this.
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Goldeneye N64 for sure. I honestly probably spend hundreds of hours playing that multiplayer, and even more single player. I loved that game so much!
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A classic multiplayer Playstation game I remember playing many hours on was Vigilante 8 2nd Offense and Tekken 3. Vigilante was like twisted metal in which you and the other player would control cars that were weaponized and each of you would try to destroy one another in a large map. Each car had its own unique special weapon. We spent a lot of time on this because it was a fun and exciting game. The other one Tekken 3 was a fighting game and this one was very addicting especially when battling one another and trying to win over the other player.
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Tekken, nothing beats the time-tested classic of mashing your hands across your controller and landing a super-combo (or if playing tekkie 3, just picking Eddie)
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The three games that I played the most with friends offline are Fifa, Goldeneye 007 and Mario 64. I'd actually be kind of scared to figure out the amount of hours we have put in playing Fifa through the years starting with Fifa 95 - that's 20 years of gameplay.

Now that you mention Fifa, that may have surpassed Goldeneye for me. My buddy and I started playing in Fifa World Cup 2010 Captain your Country mode, and every release since co-op play. We probably get about 100-150 hours per release, so 5 years later we have close to 600 hours in the Fifa series.
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Most of mine and my sibling's multi-player gameplay was done on N64 Super Smash Bros. Next up, Mario-Kart 64, and SNES Mario All Stars. We enjoyed challenging one another period and Mario made it easier to play a few hours at a time without getting bored. There are not many multi player games you can play from the classics that allow you to play in the story mode together. But kicking each other's butts all the time was a bit time consuming when one couldn't finish without winning a few first.
In Super Mario 64 there was supposed to be multiplayer but then it was scrapped. In early development, there were a few photos shared by the developers showing 4 player co-op. Recently on YouTube I found an amazing person who made a co-op function. It obviously requires an emulator but I made it work. Me and a friend hooked up a laptop to our tv via hdmi and we plugged in two PS3 controllers and it was a great time.
I love getting to play this version with somebody. It adds so much to the game.
I really think you should check it out.
Just search up on YouTube or Google, "Super Mario 64 multiplayer" and you will find it.
Have fun killing bowser with 2 people this time.